This morning, I had my 16 week check up. Blood pressure was 106/62, and Squish's heartbeat was 152. The nurse found the heartbeat with the doppler immediately. Payton always liked to "run away" from it, and they always had a hard time finding hers. The doctor said the baby's growth felt normal, after feeling my uterus. I've only gained 1.5 pounds, and was a little concerned. We'll have another ultrasound in about 2 weeks, and will know more then. I've still been feeling perfect, finding I have to remind myself, sometimes, that I'm pregnant. I'm running 3-4 times a week, and with the nicer weather, I've been taking lots of walks with Payton and the dogs.
Payton has been learning, getting bigger, stronger, and growing lots of hair! She loves to play with other kids around her age, likes to be pushed in her new swing, and be outside. Some new things she's learned:
-she'll take her shoe or sock off, then try to put it back on her foot
-when asked what does a doggie say, she'll reply with a couple "grunts"
-she can stand for 30 or so seconds without assistance, and before she sits down
-she can walk when we hold only one hand
-she's starting to show a preference of foods
-she can use a fork and spoon
-she can back down stairs and off furniture
-she's working on blowing kisses
-she loves to try to mimic what we're doing
-she's starting to take interest in books
The weather has been unbelievably nice for 80 degrees! We went on the lake yesterday with some friends...and one of Payton's "boyfriends" Hayden. Saturday we met up with Raegan at a park, and the girls had a great time playing around on the slides, and in the swings. The weekend before we were at the Tophams house where she got to play with her other boyfriend, Sam. That Friday night was so incredible outside that we decided to have some friends over for a cookout...Payton got to play with Madi, and be outside. Payton is such great entertainment for us. She makes us laugh ALL the time-she does something she's proud of and will just start laughing. It's really cute.
We have also started the room that will become Squish's nursery. It's what was our back screened porch. Over the weekend, Dan and Brian got the windows and door in, but there is still much work to be done. We all took a break yesterday, as it was hard to not have spring fever!
We can't believe in a little over a month our baby will be ONE! We're busy planning her birthday party and can't wait for the big day! Wonder if she'll be walking by then???????