The weekend was beautiful!! We went to visit Wini and Gary Guthrie at their lovely home in Wilmington (these are the parents of my good friend, Gary Guthrie, Jr...we went to college together. The Guthries are my adopted 2nd family). Brian, Payton, and I (and Callie and Emma!) visited them last year about this time, and it was Payton's first beach trip (at 5 weeks old!) Emma came with us this last weekend, but we dropped Callie off at "Camp Canine Resort" where she truly ran out all of her energy with MANY other doggie friends.
The Guthries spoiled us. Shrimp, steak, eggs, bacon, waffles...and Saturday evening we attended one of their friend's 60th birthday celebration (for Goldie). It was catered, and the dinner was wonderful! They had a trio playing music (stand up bass, keyboards, and drums) and the decor was was held outdoors, in Goldie's backyard, underneath a huge Oak tree, with Spanish moss draping the sturdy branches, and lanterns hanging by chains over the tables which were set for 40! A really beautiful setting, and evening. Wini and Gary got a babysitter for both Payton and Gary's daughter, Cameron (6 years old). Payton was SO worn out from the beach and pool that we put her down before we even left for the party. Although the wine was flowing, the bartender was gracious to offer me sparkling lemon-lime spritzers, in a wine glass, every time she saw me :)
We made it to the beach both Saturday and Sunday, and we were in their pool multiple times each day. Payton can't get enough of the water. She copied what Cameron would do and she ran to the edge of the pool, but instead of jumping at the last minute, she just kept running. By the end of the weekend, Brian would throw her into the pool, we would let her sink, then I'd pull her up. She wanted to do this over and over again, and loves to blow bubbles. Wini just loves when her grandchildren come to visit, and Payton is definitely an "adopted" grandbaby to her...she was spoiled!
Sidenote...the first night we put Payton's bed in the closet of our room, so it would be dark enough for her (the other bedrooms available weren't dark, especially by Payton's standards) we thought she'd sleep better with us. WRONG! She is SUCH a light sleeper. She woke up when I came in to get ready for bed, then proceeded to cry. We've NEVER had this happen. I walked with her for a bit to calm her down, and eventually got her back to sleep. The next night we moved her to their "sauna room" where there are no windows. Don't worry...she wasn't "in" the sauna...LOL! I can tell she's becoming more aware of her surroundings, and strange places are a bit scary to her right now. Once we had her moved to the dark room, she slept fine, but was still waking up much earlier than normal...around 7:15am. She must have smelled breakfast!
I was able to get a couple runs in with Emma over the weekend, and although very hot and humid, I'm still able to truck along...though slowly! Still no swelling. Still not miserable, as long as there is water close by (for drinking and swimming!!) Just TEN more weeks from today and we meet this little booger. It still hasn't hit me yet. Guess we probably should start talking about names soon!! Most people over the weekend guessed "her" to be a girl. Tides are changing...could it be?