Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Moment of Reflection...

Today marks one year since Johnathan Tisdale's death, after a long 4 year battle with brain cancer.  I can't express what I feel in words, but I can say how much he is missed by all his family and friends.  "JT" was a wonderful husband, father, son, brother, and friend, and he left behind such a precious family.  Amy, his wife, is....amazing.  She has been a rock for Whitt and Caroline, and everyone around her.  She is my inspiration, for many things, but especially how I want to be.  Loving, caring, understanding, patient, steadfast, tenacious, and most of all, an unbelievable parent. 

Today, I told JT how much he is missed.  I explained to Payton that JT died from cancer (knowing she had no understanding of such a thing).  I went on to explain that he went to heaven to live with God.  Her response, "let's catch him!"  I smiled, with tears in my eyes, and said, "baby, I wish we could." 

Today, we celebrate his life... many of his family members and friends went on bike rides in his honor.  WE MISS YOU JT!  Life is not the same without you in it.  Ride on, brother!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Brothers of the Sun...

Quick post, lots of pictures...VERY fun weekend!  Our kids are individually growing and reaching milestones way too fast.  Payton is talking up a storm, reading books to us, and singing a lot.  I love when she throws out new phrases we've not heard her say before.  She's quite hilarious, and very much into doing EVERYTHING by herself. We've taken a break from the potty training and letting her dictate that.  On Saturday, at Subway, she announced to the entire restaurant that she needed to go poop, and that she did...on the toilet, thankfully.  I can't wait for more embarrassing moments to come!  Griffin is all but walking.  I can hold one of his hands and he'll RUN across the floor, in a drunken baby-walk sort of way.  I'm not ready for him to walk yet, but my back would appreciate not having to carry him all the time.  He's waving hi and bye, talks ALL the time, and loves to be read to and sung to.  He also loves to push his toys across the floor...I REALLY need to get him some cars and trucks so he can take a break from all the "pink" girly toys.  My favorite is watching Griffin look at and laugh at Payton.  She entertains him, and is SO good with him.  It melts my heart. We are very blessed.

Here's a look at our weekend...we enjoyed it very much, although the hot, humid weather was even too much for me!

Friday afternoon produced a small thunderstorm, so we rode it out, with some neighbors, under the covered area at the pool.  The kids entertained themselves...and us.

Saturday morning...running errands before hopping on the boat.  This was what I found when I pulled into the Harris Teeter parking lot.  Oh, what to do????  This was after she woke up at 6:30 that morning...hope this trend ends VERY soon!
We are trying to wean him off the's going okay, but he's not quite ready to go cold turkey yet.  I'm ready to say bye-bye to Dr. Browns...forever!

I manage to kill every plant I have each summer...our porch is directly hit by the hot afternoon sun.  I've managed only to kill one plant so far.  This particular vine is quite happy, and gives us beautiful new flowers each day!  I think I've figured out this plant thing...just add water!!  lol

Peek-A-Boo!  I see you!

She's a very good mommy to her babies...

Payton and Madi, the best of friends!
...and we all.fall.down.

I'm gonna get you!!!!

Long story short...Terri was more scared than I was to jump...several people climbed up to "encourage" her to jump.  Failed attempt #2, by Wally B.
...that was until Mike was ready for her to jump.  She KNEW she was going in then!!  The picture says it all...

Here...let me "help" you...Bye-Bye Terri!

Somewhere along the way, I told Terri that if she jumped, I would do a back flip.  Here I am, keeping my promise.  Terrified!

She finally finished that nap she started in the car!  Look at those long legs...she's going to be taller than me before she's a teenager!  We are just watching all that baby fat melt girl is turning into a little girl.  Bittersweet!

Nice tonsils, son.

I wonder if I'll ever have any hair?

Hey, who put that carrot in my mouth?

Payton entertaining Griffin...and Daddy!

Blowing raspberries...always.  And he loves to copy whatever we're doing.

Ready for the lake!
Heading to TBones for brunch!
Kelli, Mary Susan, and Me at the Brothers of the Sun concert (Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney) at Bank of America Stadium Sunday evening...the stadium was more full than I've seen it for any recent Panther's game, with the exception of the seats behind the stage, of course!
Terrific night out with my friend from high school, Kelli!  Tim McGraw performed first.  I saw Roy Williams, but the picture of me with him was quite blurry :(
Kenny Chesney

Payton starts the summer session Mother's Morning Out tomorrow, at Carmel Baptist (she was at Providence Baptist).  She'll go 3 days per week, giving Granby a much needed break.  I'm so sad though...she keeps asking if her friends from PB will be there :(  I have no doubt she'll make new friends quickly, but she sure misses her old buddies!  I'll let you know how it goes!  We'll be visiting Carowinds again this week also, then beginning our 4th of July festivities...I can't believe it's almost July already!  Pretty soon, we'll be hosting a FIRST birthday party.  Woo-hoo!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Water Babies...& G is 10 Months!

Nothing much to report...over the past couple of weeks, I've had a wedding shower to attend, a graduation party, several birthday parties, a night out at Baxter Village to watch our friend's band play, and lots of pool and lake time.  Also, I took Payton to Carowinds for her first time, which she loved. I bought a season pass, so we'll take advantage of the park some this summer.

Payton is swimming like a fish.  Long story short, I wiped everything off my iPhone by mistake, therefore erasing all videos I had taken.  She can swim, unassisted, about 3/4 across the width of our pool now, and loves jumping in off the side, or into the lake off the boat.  One of these weekends soon, we'll try her on a wakeboard again.  Griffin also loves the water, but when I put him under and give him a little push, he pretty much freezes up.  He comes up smiling though, so I'm sure he'll "get it" one of these days.  He's walking very well when I hold his hand, but still not standing or taking steps on his own, yet.  Brian had a great Father's Day with the kiddos.  He and a neighbor started their Sunday morning with a 35 mile bike ride. Pool in the middle of the day, and we finished the evening trying to go to dinner.  I think Payton ingested a little too much lake water Saturday because as we drove into the parking lot, we got to revisit her breakfast and lunch, quickly heading back home.  She's all better now.  Enjoy the pics!  Don't worry, there's nothing to gross you out ;)

Heather, yours truly, and G-Money out "late night" at Baxter Village

Beautiful Bride-To-Be to my left...

I think Payton likes the shower more than swimming in the pool!
Look at my chompers!

I'm 10 months old!!

Will Grumps finally get a basketball player?

He climbs on EVERYTHING!
Our baby is becoming quite the independent little girl.  She likes to match her clothes, bows, and shoes.

What a silly girl!

If I ever get into photography...I was working with a signature stamp :)

Kreutzer Sandwich

Griffin and Jake, the birthday boy!

Where's the cake????
She climbed in by herself for a turn

Griffin (10 mo), Jake (1), Kaya (11 mo)

Avery (4), Morgan (4 1/2), Payton (2)...Avery and Payton "thumbs up" for not sucking them

Boys will be boys...already fighting over the remote
With Julie, Griffin, and Jacob...I've been friends with Julie since I was in 8th grade!

With Riley (12), my "first" born (I helped deliver her, and cut her umbilical cord!)  What a beautiful young lady she's grown up to be!

Jumping off the boat, again, and again, and....

Such a happy boy!  ALWAYS smiling.


Looks so comfy!

With Britt

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

Um, I think your ears are dirty...let me help!

We *almost* need a brush...almost.

I told her they don't allow thumb-sucking in this was her solution.
Payton and her new friend, Eva (5)...Eva doesn't approve of Payton's wild ways ;)

We rode the carousel...Payton's first ride, as a warm-up.  She was bored out of her mind, grabbing the reins, kicking her feet, and wanting the horsey to do something else!  We found the balloon ride after that.  It was a hit!
The video above is the balloon ride that was Payton's favorite...below is her on the ride.  She asked to ride again & again.  Thankfully she is a tall 2 year old...she was able to ride on several rides solo.