We took off and headed back up to Sugar Mountain last week. We spent a long weekend with Amy, Whitt (8), and Caroline (6.5) Tisdale. This is, by far, one of Whitt's favorite trip of the year, and maybe mine too...as long as the snow was as good as it was this weekend! Whitt has been my "student" on the snow the past two winters, and he made HUGE improvements this time. By the end of Sunday, he was speeding down the entire mountain...from the top! Way to go, little buddy! And Caroline took some ski lessons, which she loved. She was also ripping it up, all by herself, and loving it. Payton got to meet me out there on Saturday, with her board. SHE DID FANTASTIC. There were adults out there, taking snowboard lessons, and they were pointing and cheering her on as she flew by them. And I mean flew by...she can't turn, or stop (her board and bindings are WAY too big for her to control), so I was her brakes....how I kept up with her, I'll never know! Check her out:
Over New Year's, we took her on the bunny hill at Beech Mountain...that was FLAT compared to Sugar's bunny hill. She even rode up the "magic carpet" lift all by herself. She laughed and giggled all the way up. She also knows how to take her back foot out of the board, all by herself, and "skate" with the board, in the line...then crank the bindings back down when she's ready to ride. Pretty freaking cool.
We had very cold temperatures, and some sleet, while we were there. That allowed them to make a bunch of snow. Whitt came down with "the plague" on Wednesday night, into Thursday. Luckily the rest of us were unaffected...until Monday, anyway. I'll get to that in a minute. Here are some pictures from our fun weekend with the Tisdales!
Payton's second-ever sleepover |
GORGEOUS Sunset...Sky on Fire! |
The Blue Ridge Mountains |
But Daddy, the girls were doing it! |
Griffin actually BROUGHT me the costumes, and asked me to put them on him. Oh Lordy!
And over he goes, onto his face. Over and over again. |
And here's Payton's day on the board...she loves it! (which makes mommy very happy :)
He loved it when the snow from the snow makers fell into his face...and would look up over and over. |
Heading out to dinner to our favorite Mexican place... |
Here is Griffin eating chips and salsa. He loves the salsa, but even I thought it was a little on the spicy side Saturday night. He had a love/hate relationship with it. Here's his reaction (wait until the end) to the spicyness, yet he kept going back for more...
Caroline and Me, taking a break! |
Heading up a "blue" (intermediate) for Whitt's first time! |
Although he was timid at the top, he rocked it all the way down, with few falls! |
Amy and Whitt |
We were waiting on Brian to come pick the kids up...Payton took this picture with my phone! |
BLUEBIRD DAY! Look at those skies and that snow. Perfection! |
While we were gone, my gracious friend, Kim, and her kids (Madison and Jacob) took care of our girls...they really seem to hate it over there ;) lol. Their "home away from home." Aunt Kim takes great care of them, and they love being over there!
Who needs a bed when you have a Callie? |
The week before we headed to the mountains was a gorgeous one here, finally. We'd had a ton of rain and gloomy days, so a vitamin D day was very much needed. Brian and I took the kids to the park, along with some yummy SAS cupcakes. The park was packed.
These girls were so great with Payton, helping her get up on the bar! |
Bestest play toys: boxes! |
Griffin has really started talking, a LOT. He's repeating (fairly clearly) many words, and can communicate and follow directions really well. I can't believe he's almost 18 months old!
Then came Sunday night and Monday...Payton didn't eat any dinner Sunday night. At 6pm, I told her to eat or she'd have to go to bed. She said, "okay, Mommy. I'm ready to go to bed." Wow. So, I had to follow through with my threat, and she did actually go to bed, and stay there until 7am! So, into my bathroom she comes, in a hurry, and she went to the bathroom. Really went. Poor baby. Her belly really WAS upset! I thought that took care of it (we ate mexican food a couple nights before) so we were getting ready to head out the door, and then it happened. Puke. Right into her cereal bowl (which, all things considered, was probably one of the best spots for that to happen!) So, down to our room she went, and home Griffin and I stayed. She rested and watched TV all morning. Ate a half of banana, then took a 3 hour nap. She was saying she was ready to go to school, so she was certainly feeling better :) Yay! The house has been thoroughly cleaned and cloroxed, so I'm hoping the buck stops with her! Here she was on Sunday night, when Brian and I checked on her:

We're looking forward to a visit from Nana and Granddude this week, the circus, some upcoming birthday parties, weddings (this is THE year of the weddings), a trip to Snowshoe for mommy (YAY), and a couple spring beach trips. Yep, the Kugler calendar is already getting full. I was hoping for a relaxing 2013....HA!