One important thing is missing: SNOW! We have yet to see a snowflake, in Charlotte, this winter. The temps have been, on average, well below what's normal for us, but then Mother Nature will sprinkle in some 60 degree days in between the 20's. Weather-wise, it's been a ridiculously weird winter.
Here are some pictures of what we've been up to. I'm still trying to figure out my camera, and probably should finish reading the manual. One day maybe I'll even take a photography class. Until then, I'll do my best to capture these cuties in action, and let you see how they are growing and constantly changing!
Our neighbor's new dog, Bentley |
Nana and Granddude bought the kids a year pass to the Rock Hill Children's Museum. I haven't taken them yet, but Brian has had an opportunity to take them twice. They love it! There are so many creative activities for them to participate in, and Griffin is smitten with the HUGE train table.

I realized recently that I haven't written much about the kids, their growth and development. So here goes...Payton. She's a fireball. That little girl has so much spunk, determination, and stubbornness, all wrapped up in her cute little (well, big) body! She will be 4 in April (and can't wait). She is now wearing size 5T and 6 in clothes, and between an 11 and 12 shoe. Basically, she's as tall, and weighs as much as a 6 year old. She gets herself dressed, most of the time, and can put her own hair up in a ponytail! She's smart as a whip, and more hard-headed than her momma! Who thought that could be possible? At our recent parent/teacher conference, we learned that she does everything above the 4 year old level, but she likes to talk a LOT. (Hmmmm, not sounding familiar, lol). She also is bossy, and likes to take things from other kids, or sometimes pushes, if she doesn't get her way. WE ARE WORKING ON THIS DAILY! Most of what we see with her friends, outside of school, is that she's very polite and friendly, so who knows. She loves snowboarding, wakeboarding, soccer, and dance. She has recently started her second dance class, the 4 year old class, which is 45 minutes long, and includes both ballet and tap. It's her first "drop-off" activity, meaning, Griffin and I can run errands, if need be. She LOVES her dance class, and is looking forward to her recital in May, already.
Payton dressed herself (not bad!)...this was at Frugal McDoogal's one day when Daddy had to go grab some beers :) |
This was another morning, clothes picked out and put on by our big girl. Too funny, Payton. She said she wanted to wear those leggings "because it had been like 100 days since she wore them last." |
Griffin...he's probably one of the sweetest, most soft-hearted little boys I've ever met. He is definitely a "momma's boy." The majority of the time, he insists that I do EVERYTHING for him. He won't let his daddy do much, unless I'm not around. He loves to give hugs and kisses out, and if I have to yell at him for doing something wrong, he sticks out his lower lip and gives you the most pathetic pouty face you've ever seen. It breaks my heart every time. His teachers say he is so nice to all of his friends, he's extremely smart, and they love having him. His vocabulary has exploded, and he'll tell you everything that happened in a day. He has the memory of an elephant! He loves his cars, trains, and train table. Best money spent on a gift! Griffin loves to play ball...with a bat, play catch, shoot basketball, kick the soccer ball, play croquet, throw the football. We definitely have 2 athletes on our hands. Griffin really likes to pretend and tell stories....both kids do. They play "house" and tell each other (and us) stories that they make up. I love their creativity. Just the other day, Payton named Griffin's T-Rex dinosaur "Maida" (Maida? Really?) and told me "she" is a sweet T-Rex. As of now, the kids, mostly, get along really well. I'm sure that will change, but we are enjoying it. Griffin is wearing between a 2T and 3T, and a size 8 shoe. He's definitely on the bigger side, but not to quite the scale of his big sissy! And, if you were wondering, potty training is going just about like this:

Here's G shooting the basketball...
Here was a little fun photoshoot I did one cold afternoon, by the lake...
And, onto sadder news. My Pats. My poor, poor Pats, and my poor, poor Tom Brady. Yep. I watched the game. Yep. We looked pretty bad. The better team won. Now, I have to decide on who to pull for in the Super Bowl...if I even decide to watch! Boooo. There's always next year, right? lol.
Picture of a 10 foot snowman near Boston...sent to me by my buddy, Matt. Apparently, he wasn't good luck :( |
I've had some much needed, fun girls' nights out are some pictures with my buddies.
And every Thursday night, we have a wine night with our friends and neighbors. Here we are. The toughest "gang" in the Queen City. HA!