Similar to last year, winter has been tardy in showing up...but I'm not complaining. I am excited to see snow and have cold temps. It IS winter, after all. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE summer. But I also like all 4 seasons, so while it's winter, I want SNOW! I've had some opportunities to snowboard, and the snow has been phenomenal! We had a light icing occurrence, a light dusting of snow, then the "big event." Haha. I often wonder what the newscasters ARE NOT reporting, since ALL of their breath is spent on weather. Get your milk and bread, here comes SNOWMAGEDDON! We could be snowed IN FOR.......a day. I mean, seriously, people. It's Charlotte. The sun will come out. The temps will rise above freezing, and all the snow will melt. Soon. But first, can't we just enjoy it?
So here are random pictures since the new year. Please enjoy!
The kids love to take "selfies" when we are in the carpool line at school |
I took the kids swimming...Griffin, if anything, has gotten more scared of the water over the winter. In the "big pool" he pretty much screamed. I have my work cut out. |
The first "snow" of the year |
Griffin had a cold. The FIRST sickness in a year, so we are lucky. But I could tell how crappy he felt. Poor little cuddle bug :( |
Katie, Natasha, Me, Brandon, and Lawrinda on a beautiful February lake day |
Loving the beautiful day! |
With Celeste... |
Although most hours of my days I feel like a referee...there are just some moments that melt my heart. Moments like these I feel lucky to have caught with the camera. I tell them how happy and proud of them it makes me to see them like this. Being sweet to each other. Hopefully I'm doing something right :) |
Brian took the kids to Nana and Granddude's house for a weekend. They did all kinds of fun activities, including going swimming and a kid's workshop at Lowes.
Our ice "storm" |
Friday playtime with our "secret" play place! |
With Stonie... |
And Juliet |
She won't stop growing up, no matter how much I plead with her! |
He can put this puzzle together pretty quickly and is so proud of himself...and I am, of course, proud of him also :) |
Who needs stinking snow to have fun?!?! |
Sienna (7), our neighbor |
Me with Will, Freddie, and Evan |
Ready for blast off! |
Silliness ensues at the 5506 Bar (Beech Mountain) |
18 inches of pure, white goodness |
I got my car stuck, but my friend was on the way up to ski, and thankfully came to my rescue. |
Pitzer and Caroline...birthday party! And since we had no water the entire weekend, Caroline was sweet enough to let me shower! |
It was 80's weekend at Beech Mountain...the Delorian made an appearance IN THE FUTURE, but I never saw Marty McFly :( |
Evan and Sydney...I just love these two. |
I see me! |
This was the top portion of a race I did at Beech Mountain. Called the Banked Slalom. It was so windy that they shut down the quad lift, and it was FREEZING cold. |
But, it was worth it. I got second place, won some money, and a sweet pair of Volcom snowboard pants. I would have finished first, but I fell :( |
With the infamous Andy McD! (Friend from college who lives in Boone). He used to be the fastest boardercross rider around... |
Sugar Mountain |
My annual Snowshoe trip is coming up next week. They have had FEET and FEET of snow this past month. I think 7 feet, to be exact. The forecast isn't looking promising right now, with the warm weather on the way, but I'm hoping, just as the meteorologists got the "Snowmageddon 2015" storm totally wrong, that snow will fall next week.
The kids are doing really well in school, and get along
most some of the time. They were disappointed in the lack of snow we received, but they are enjoying the day off.
-Evermind, instead of nevermind
-Are you so happy at me?
-Crunching instead of chewing
-"Bless you'ing" instead of sneezing..."I just bless you'd mommy"
-I named my doggie "N-G-O"
-Me: Are you going to miss me this weekend?" Griffin: "No, because I'm keeping your heart in my pocket."
-Me: Do you still have my heart in your pocket? Griffin: "Yes, but I dropped a piece of it in the water. But it's okay because I'm going to fish it out later."
-Compeller instead of propeller
Kimber and Griffin in our epic SNOWSTORM of 2015 |
We made the best of it... |
The kids were out of school for this? |
Well, after my Snowshoe trip, I'll officially be ready for spring. I'm ready to get these kids out of the house. Ready to start running more. Ready for good things to come...thanks for reading my blog!