Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
34 Week Belly Shots

Okay, so I'm officially now 34 weeks. The belly continues to grow bigger, and no stretch marks, for which I am thankful! I'm officially counting down the weeks until we meet Baby K. I'm definitely more and more uncomfortable every day, and ready to have/get my body back. This was the first nice weekend we've had in months, and it definitely made me daydream of walks and runs in the spring with the baby. Time to start thinking about getting back in shape!! We have our childbirth classes this Wednesday and Thursday. Tick tock!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
33 Week Reality Check!
This morning I had my 33 week check up....but by my math, it should have been 34 weeks. I'll get to that in a minute. Since I've been so spoiled with ultrasounds each visit, I didn't know what to expect at a "normal" doctor's appointment. I was quickly taken back to the nurse's station, weighed, NOT my favorite part, and had my blood pressure taken. It was great, at 105/60. I was whisked away to a room, and I patiently waited for what was next. A nurse came in soon after and had a fetal doppler in hand, with the gooey blue ultrasound gel on the wand. I uncovered my belly and she placed the warmed goo on the baby. It actually took a minute or so for her to locate the heartbeat. I wasn't nervous, but it was just unexpected...I mean, how far away could the baby "run" away at this point? Anyway, when she found the heartbeat, it was strong. It sounded different than the "whoosh whoosh" I was used to hearing. It was more like our heartbeat sound...a "thump thump," and registering around 142 beats per minute. She helped me back to a sitting position (yes, I need help up these days!) and I was told the doctor was running a little late from surgery. I was scheduled to see a new doc today....he came in not too far behind the nurse. He said he'd already seen 3 other women at 33 weeks today. I said, "I'm probably the biggest of them all." I guess he was being nice, because he said, "No, you aren't too big." Anyway, he had me lie back down, and measured my "fundus," or the length from my pelvis to the top of my uterus. It's supposed to coincide with how many weeks you are....33 cm for 33 weeks, etc. I didn't ask, and he didn't tell me what I was measuring. He then asked me if I had any complaints, to which I replied, just the normal ones. I told him I'm swelling some in my hands and feet. He said I'd come back in 2 weeks, then my visits would be each week, thereafter, until I deliver. No mention was made as to my fluid levels, or any future ultrasounds. Okay, so back to the "reality check." I asked him, because the baby has been consistently measuring so big, when would we decide if I'll go early. His reponse, a rhetorical one, I suppose....."You tell me." Hmmm. Okay, I get it. No one knows when "it" will happen. He said the ultrasounds can be up to 15% in error, so we truely don't know the size of the baby. Also, he said, until I'm in labor, we don't know how well, or how poorly, my body will be able to handle delivering, no matter the size. Basically, I have to sit and wait it out. Another word for that is patience. If you know me at all, you know this is, well, not one of my stronger traits. In the official doctor's records, my due date is April 5th. I've been saying April 1st all along, one, because I've been measuring ahead, and two, because Brian would love to have an April Fools baby. The doctor told me that, on average, first babies come 5 days PAST the due date. So, technically, they could let me go ALL the way to April 10th!! UGH. Here I am thinking maybe March 26th, March 30th, but now I have to face the reality that it could be past Easter!!! EEEeeeek. We'll know more once my pelvic exams start, week 36, when they'll start checking for dialation and effacement. Hang in there people! It's a guarantee that we'll have a baby in the next 7 weeks (but boy am I hoping for more like 5!)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
33 Week Belly Shots
Well, here we are less than two months away from meeting the newest member of the Kugler family! We've had a wonderful, and productive, Valentine's weekend, finished off with a couples' massage :) We received around 3 inches of snow last Friday night, so the girls were able to play in it Saturday morning before it all melted. We had to cancel our dinner plans Friday night due to the roads being really bad!! Saturday night we took dinner to our friends, Jennifer and Dwayne, and played with their 6 week old daughter, Aniston. Of course labor, delivery, and being new parents were the topics of our conversation. This Wednesday we are taking a breastfeeding class, then I have a doctor's appointment Thursday morning. Tick tock....I can really hear the clock ticking now!! Check out the BIG belly!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Baby Shower!
Our first baby shower was Saturday, February 6th. The Tophams and Garmans were sweet enough to throw the shower for us. There was a great turn out, and we received many nice gifts. It's amazing how much stuff you need for such a tiny person!! Over the weekend, Brian and I managed to dig through boxes, gift bags, and cards, and get somewhat organized. The nursery is coming along. We bought both a girls' and boys' outfit for the hospital pictures today. Brian picked out the boy outfit, and of course after many mind changes, I decided on the girl outfit. As if this "baby thing" wasn't real enough already, this weekend brought us one step closer to meeting our baby!! More pictures to come :)
Friday, February 5, 2010
32 Week Pics & Ultrasound

Well, yesterday we had another follow up ultrasound appointment. We had a friend of ours, Lachelle, in the room with us, as she is studying to become an ultrasound technician. I guess she brought us some good luck! We had a GREAT check up! Again, my amniotic fluid levels had been measuring low, and dropping, therefore, so many check ups and ultrasounds. Also, I was scheduled for a non-stress test. So, my last 3 measurements (normal levels are from 10-20cm) were 13, 11.4, & 9.8cm. I must be following doctor's orders of taking it easy, because yesterday's levels were 13.4cm!! So, needless to say, no non-stress test was needed. They'll save it for closer to delivery. The baby's heartrate was 128 (it typically starts dropping to more "normal" levels closer to birth). All the organs looked great. Weight was 4 pounds, 14 ounces, so right on track (a half a pound per week from here out). Head still measuring big, and I was once again reminded how an epidural will be my best friend during labor and delivery :) My blood pressure was 110/66, and I had gained about 3 pounds, or just had heavy clothes on! The baby is still measuring about 2 weeks ahead, and after meeting with Dr. Taylor, I still fully believe either by nature or by doctor, this baby will be arriving late March. Neither they, or I, want a C-Section, so at a rate of a half pound per week and big head, we're talking over 9 pounds for a full term, 40 week baby. OUCH! Thanks, Brian ;) Oh, and still no good face pictures. The baby's head is down in my pelvis already, and that makes a good shot hard to get!
Last night Brian and I had our Infant CPR and Taking Care of Baby classes at CMC. Things have changed somewhat since I took CPR many, many years ago, so I'm glad we took the class. The Taking Care of Baby class, however, I could have skipped. It was basically showing you how to change diapers, care for the umbilical cord/circumcision, what color the poop should be, burping and feeding. I think I have those pretty downpat after all my years babysitting and being around babies. Brian might have learned something.....
Next appointment is in 2 weeks, just for measurements and check up. No ultrasound is scheduled, which makes me a little sad. We've definitely been spoiled, with a total of 9 ultrasounds thus far. We do expect at least one more, just to verify levels are where they should be. After this next appointment, I should be going every WEEK until delivery...
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