Well, yesterday we had another follow up ultrasound appointment. We had a friend of ours, Lachelle, in the room with us, as she is studying to become an ultrasound technician. I guess she brought us some good luck! We had a GREAT check up! Again, my amniotic fluid levels had been measuring low, and dropping, therefore, so many check ups and ultrasounds. Also, I was scheduled for a non-stress test. So, my last 3 measurements (normal levels are from 10-20cm) were 13, 11.4, & 9.8cm. I must be following doctor's orders of taking it easy, because yesterday's levels were 13.4cm!! So, needless to say, no non-stress test was needed. They'll save it for closer to delivery. The baby's heartrate was 128 (it typically starts dropping to more "normal" levels closer to birth). All the organs looked great. Weight was 4 pounds, 14 ounces, so right on track (a half a pound per week from here out). Head still measuring big, and I was once again reminded how an epidural will be my best friend during labor and delivery :) My blood pressure was 110/66, and I had gained about 3 pounds, or just had heavy clothes on! The baby is still measuring about 2 weeks ahead, and after meeting with Dr. Taylor, I still fully believe either by nature or by doctor, this baby will be arriving late March. Neither they, or I, want a C-Section, so at a rate of a half pound per week and big head, we're talking over 9 pounds for a full term, 40 week baby. OUCH! Thanks, Brian ;) Oh, and still no good face pictures. The baby's head is down in my pelvis already, and that makes a good shot hard to get!
Last night Brian and I had our Infant CPR and Taking Care of Baby classes at CMC. Things have changed somewhat since I took CPR many, many years ago, so I'm glad we took the class. The Taking Care of Baby class, however, I could have skipped. It was basically showing you how to change diapers, care for the umbilical cord/circumcision, what color the poop should be, burping and feeding. I think I have those pretty downpat after all my years babysitting and being around babies. Brian might have learned something.....
Next appointment is in 2 weeks, just for measurements and check up. No ultrasound is scheduled, which makes me a little sad. We've definitely been spoiled, with a total of 9 ultrasounds thus far. We do expect at least one more, just to verify levels are where they should be. After this next appointment, I should be going every WEEK until delivery...
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