Tonight we took Payton to sit on Santa's lap at Southpark Mall. She was completely enthralled with him, looking back at him and staring. She didn't move a muscle, other than her neck! She would grin, then look back at him. It was quite funny to watch!!
Saturday we went to a Christmas tree lot and picked out our tree. I (mommy) spent part of Sunday decorating the house and tree, while watching football, of course. Brian (daddy) was at the bar with some friends watching their games. The Tophams and Boughmans came over to hang out and let the kids play. Poor little Raegan did not want to miss anything, thus never taking either of her afternoon naps. She's a little trooper!
In the coming weeks, we have lots of Christmas parties, birthday dinners, and celebrations, including spending a long weekend with Granby and Grumps in the mountains. I FINALLY will get to snowboard, assuming there is snow....and with it being November 30th and 70 degrees outside with a tornado warning, I'm guessing there is a good chance the conditions will be less than favorable. BOOOO! One can hope!
Such a happy baby will surely get a special visit from Santa!! beth and gil