At Sharky's in Radford
Griffin and Wes at the Topham's Christmas Party
Nana showing Payton the blocks she made
Griffin just hanging around, watching everyone, and being his usual happy self!
Jed, Laurie, Laurie, Brian, and Me at Sharky's in Radford, VA
Payton loved knocking over the blocks!
Nana and Griffin
Granddude flying Payton in to destroy the blocks that Daddy stacked
And BOOM! Over they go!
The girls opening their presents
Of all the nice presents Payton got, she loved playing with the paper bags
Payton putting a diaper on Baby Abby
Always the center of attention....Payton at the fondue party, Christmas Eve
The fondue pots lined up and ready to be filled...we had cheese, oil, and chocolate fondue, beef, shrimp, bread, apples, salad, and sweets
Some friends of Brian's family played Christmas songs for everyone
Back home on Christmas, "Santa" gets all the stockings and presents ready for the kids
Everyone is rested and ready to open presents!! It took FOREVER!
Our sweet, sweet babies
Check out all the presents for JUST Payton!
The kitchen, pots, pans, and utensils were a big highlight!
Payton with her new "Macie" doll
Wishing her little brother a very Merry Christmas!
Sweet little man! He enjoyed watching us all open presents. He can't WAIT to open his own next year. Christmas will be even MORE fun in 2012!!
I'm 4 Months Old!! Well, 4 1/2 months now...Mommy was a little late on this picture.
Tommy old friend and our wedding photographer. In town from SLC for Christmas.
Payton, Kyler, and Shannon running around after breakfast at Toast.
Mommy trying to get the Princess Castle assembled...Payton "helping."
Griffin practicing sitting up and playing with his new soccer ball.
And just like that, it's over! We left for Radford, VA around 10am Friday. We had lunch, the kids took naps (okay, maybe just one kid), and got settled in. That evening we had dinner and Nana and "Dude," as Payton calls him, sat with the kids...well, one anyway. The princess was fast asleep with visions of sugarplums dancing in her head. Brian and I were able to meet up with some friends of his at a local bar, and we had a great time. But we had to get back before our carriage turned into a pumpkin at midnight...I just can't hang like I used to these days! Saturday we had a nice breakfast and opened our presents with Nana and Granddude. Payton and Griffin got lots of nice things, including a wonderful contribution to their college funds. Nana handmade Payton some blocks with each of our family member's faces and names on them...she had been assembling them for quite a while, which makes them very special for Payton (and we're hoping Callie doesn't find them tasty!) That evening they hosted about 16 people for wine and fondue. We all had a great time, and maybe drank a little too much wine (if there is such a thing ;) We headed for home Sunday morning early, got the kids down for a nap, and prepared for Santa to come to our parents and Uncle JP came over around 3, brought dinner, and WAY too many presents. We were all overwhelmed. Payton had such a huge stack that I had to start unwrapping for her, and we ended up putting some of the presents into the attic for her birthday. When she opened clothes, which she got a lot of, she would try everything on (this was a SLOW process!) Her favorite presents were her kitchen, pots and pans, a "Peek A Boo" Bear, Princess Castle (which was nearly impossible to assemble...thank you, Auntie Julie ;) and her table and chairs. She also got a baby doll named Macie...she seems to like her a lot, but she definitely hasn't taken the place of Baby Abby! Once we get the tree out of the house, hopefully we'll have somewhere to put everything! Nana and Granddude also gave Payton an easel, chalk, markers, and fingerpaints, so we look forward to tapping into Payton's artistic side soon!! Griffin got lots of developmental toys, which he loves to hold onto and stuff into his mouth...although still no signs of teething! On Monday, we met our dear friends for breakfast...Tommy and Shannon Chandler (Tommy was our wedding photographer, and long time friend of mine). They are expecting their first little one in April. Also, the Killars met us...Celeste, Chris, and Kyler. They are expecting baby boy #2 at the end of January...LOTS of babies among our friends!! It was great seeing Tommy, as he lives in Salt Lake City, UT, and we only get to see him once a year.
Griffin, now close to 5 months old, is rolling over both ways, cooing a TON (way more vocal than we remember Payton being), sitting with support, and trying to shove anything and everything into his mouth. He loves playing with his feet! And belly laughing like crazy. He seems to like peas and green beans, but isn't crazy about rice cereal yet...must be the chunkier texture. He has been sleeping through the night now, around 11 hours (hope I didn't just jinx us!) so that's been VERY nice. He still is NOT a good 20-30 minute stints here and there. I think that maybe his formula is giving him a little reflux, as he spits up after each feeding, and screams when you lie him down, as if in pain. If he's sitting up, he is fine. So, we are experimenting in hopes of correcting this. Gripe water seems to be helping, so I don't think it's too serious.
Payton still asks for Elfie every day. We told her that he had to go live with Santa in the North Pole until he comes back next Thanksgiving, but that explanation is lost on a 20 month old. We just know she'll be really happy to see him when he comes back! We hope each and every one of you had a nice Christmas. Happy New Year to you!! We're ready for 2012, and all the wonderful memories we're going to make!