Kids at my birthday dinner
Payton LOVES her "Gumps" as she calls him
Granby and Grumps at dinner

December 2011
December 2010
My handsome men!
Payton at the TBones Christmas Party
Lil Bubs crashed at the TBones Christmas Party
My old friend from college, Julie, and her daughter Patton
Payton had a crush on Miller! (he's 18 months)
Sweet P still loves holding her brother, and making him laugh!
But he's getting so heavy!!
Our beautiful daughter!!
And handsome little man!
Waiting for Granby in the morning...Payton sees her walking around the corner
Madi and Payton excited about the pajama Christmas party...watching a movie on Madi's DVD player, and having cookies
Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive! Big hit of the party for most of the little ones...
Payton wasn't an immediate fan, but soon came around. Santa came bearing gifts.
Uncle JP and Griffin
Kisses for Santa?
AND Mrs. Claus?!?!
Griffin and Camryn loved Santa and Mrs. Claus!
Group shot of the ladies
Getting ready to start the White Elephant gift exchange
Camryn, Wes, and Griffin tell Santa and Mrs. Claus what they want for their first Christmas
Clearly, Payton wasn't a fan of Santa
Payton "making" milk...monkey see, monkey do
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...but it certainly doesn't feel like it! Our weather has been crazy warm. Close to 70 on some days, and mostly in the mid 60's during the day. It's tough to get into the Christmas spirit when I'm wearing flip flops and having porch wine, but all the decorations, lights, tree, and presents make it, at least, look like Christmas at our house.
The past couple of weeks have included many Christmas celebrations and parties. We started out with the Topham's annual Christmas dinner. There were about 7 families there, including around 15 kids and babies! Our group keeps growing and growing. Aunt Miss had a "Santa's Station" set up to help entertain the kids, where they could color, paint their own ornament, and draw. We all had a great time! Later that evening, the kids, Brian, and I headed over to TBones on the lake for the boat parade. My birthday weekend always falls on the same weekend as the TBones boat parade, so I've always missed it. This is where people decorate their boats in Christmas lights, and cruise around the restaurant, on the water. Some people go WAY out. One boat was decorated like a train and had real smoke coming out of the smokestack. We sat indoors, where it was nice and warm (okay, we've had a few cool nights). We saw many people we hadn't seen in a long while, and there was even another 4 month old boy there to help entertain Griffin ;) Payton enjoyed dancing on the stage and showing off.
The following day, Sunday, we took the kids to the Panthers/Falcons game. It was actually cold that day, the high being just 46. We bundled everyone up and tailgated with our friends, Stonie, Chris, and Carter Kennington. (They gave us our tickets...THANK YOU!!) Payton LOVED being at the game, cheering and clapping when everyone else did. Griffin hung out in the Baby Bjorn carrier on Brian's chest and stayed cozy and warm. We left at halftime because I wasn't dressed properly. The wind picked up and I was getting chilly. The group we went to the game with stopped by for dinner afterwards. Griffin was being unusually fussy....which leads into Sunday night. I guess we pushed him too hard, and had him around too many people over the weekend.
We put Griffin down for bed Sunday night and the fussing began. We thought maybe he was teething? Turns out, Monday morning we took his temperature, and it was 101. No other signs of anything, but he wasn't happy. Brian took him to the doctor and the NP took a look at him. She said there were a number of viruses going around and that we should treat his fever with Tylenol, and wait it out. This was on my birthday. Brian ended up staying home with Griffin, as he was clearly unhappy and uncomfortable. Every time we picked him up he would scream. When we laid him down, he would scream. Poor baby. We were supposed to go out for my birthday dinner, but clearly we stayed in, trying to get him comfortable. Griffin had his 4 month regular check up on Wednesday. That day I had noticed a red rash all over his body. Dr. Nguyen said he had "Roseola," a viral illness that starts with a fever, HEADACHE (which explains his screaming each time he was moved), and sore throat. The rash signaled the end of the illness...YAY! He's been back to his smiley, happy self ever sense....
So this brings us to his 4 month appointment...he weighed 17 pounds, 10 ounces (90% in weight), 27 inches (97% in height), and 90% in head size. To compare, at 4 months Payton was 17 pounds, 6 ounces and 26 1/2 inches...very similar in size! Griffin is now rolling over each way (front to back and back to front). He still does anything he can to watch football. It's so funny how that little guy can contort his body to see the TV. He loves to grab his toes and rattles, small toys, etc. He has a "tummy time" mat that spins around (thanks, Britt!) that he also loves, and it helps strengthen his little head, back, and neck. He "talks" all the time. Payton loves to make him smile and laugh. She will entertain him, and it's super cute! I hope they continue to be best buds! When he's sleeping, she'll be sure to "shush" you (loudly, ironically). Last weekend we started giving Griffin a little rice cereal, recommended by his pediatrician. We've also introduced peas mixed into the cereal, which he seems to like, although he doesn't eat much yet. He hasn't slept all the way through the night in a while. He wakes up between 2-4am, sucks back a bottle, and goes right back to sleep...problem is, I have SUCH a hard time falling back to sleep. We are trying to get him to sleep through the night, and he did...ONCE. So say a little prayer that he starts being a better sleeper. We were certainly spoiled by Payton!!
Friday was Payton's last day of school for 2011!! They had 2 pizza parties last week, and lots of Christmas festivities, music, treats, and arts & crafts. I dressed her up in a Christmas outfit every day for the last 2 weeks...hey, I have to get my money's worth on seasonal outfits, and we happen to have a LOT of them! She continues to wake up each morning and ask where Elfie is. She loves coming upstairs to find him, and usually finds him before I do (Brian hides him every night). She also asks for Rae-Rae and Sam every morning, and sometimes Dan (Madi's dad). It's really cute. She is talking more and more, even beginning to piece together some 4+ word sentences. She LOVES her ABC Song and can't get enough of it. I, however, could go a number of years without hearing it again. She knows well over half of her alphabet (can pick out letters). She's a little sponge, for sure! Payton is getting so big...I had her "rest" on our bed the other night while watching a Christmas movie. She laid there with her "BB" and was quiet. She's following directions and is so independent. One funny...when I pump milk for Griffin, I have to use "cones" (see picture). Payton puts them to her chest and says "milk." I just love her to death!
Friday night we went to a White Elephant gift exchange party at TBones. Payton was immediately greeted by 2 sweet little girls (Sadie and Lucy, sisters), who we had never met before. They asked her name, asked me if she could have a candy cane, and then grabbed her hand and took her off to play. It was really cool. They entertained her all night, along with a couple other girls (Patton and Hailey). We had a great time catching up with old friends, and Payton and Griffin were both troopers, staying up way past bedtimes, 2 weekends in a row.
Saturday night we co-hosted a White Elephant Christmas pajama party at Britt and Dan Collins' house. We had about 45 people there, and Santa & Mrs. Claus even made an appearance. Payton didn't care for them at first, but warmed up to them, and was kissing them before they left!! They brought all the little kids stuffed animals, and entertained all us adults. I sure hope I'm still on the "good" list after that night ;) We had tons of food, presents, people and fun. Uncle JP even came in town for the party, as he needed to kill off some of those brain cells that he's worked so hard this past semester!! Granby and Grumps stopped by the house on their way back from the mountains on Sunday. While there, Payton was having a late lunch of peanut butter sammie and chips (we WOKE her up at 12:30 that afternoon, from the night!!) She entertained us by opening her sammie and spreading peanut butter all over her face. As Granby and Grumps laughed at her, that only encouraged her to continue to do that...she thought it was REALLY funny! Nothing like a peanut butter facial! She has developed a little cold now, and I'm certainly hoping she gets better before we hit the road for Virginia Friday.
Tuesday night Granby and Grumps took us to Terrace Cafe, a nice restaurant in Piedmont Row, Southpark, for my birthday dinner...finally ;) Payton talked to the waiter, showed off, didn't eat much, and played with Grumps and Baby Abby. Griffin dined on a bottle of the finest 2011 Enfamil, and then took a nap. Earlier this day he had to get 2 shots. (He actually SMILED through getting both of them. Had I not been there, I wouldn't have believed it). Anyway, he slept, Payton showed off, and we had a nice dinner...grouper, filet, corn risotto with lump crab meat, bibb salad with fried goat cheese, butternut squash ravioli, the largest asparagus I've ever seen, and warm flourless chocolate cake with ice cream. Are you hungry now? Can you say YUM???? Happy 39th (gulp) birthday to me :)
As Christmas draws closer, we are anticipating it more and more. It's so neat now that we get to experience the excitement of Christmas Day over again, through Payton's eyes. We leave for Nana and Granddude's house in Virginia on Friday, returning home early Christmas morning. We'll spend Friday and Saturday with Nana and Granddude, and open Christmas presents with them on Christmas Eve. Then Christmas afternoon/evening, we'll do Christmas #2 with Granby, Grumps, and Uncle JP. I can't wait to see how Payton does, seeing that she's going to be overwhelmed with presents and surprises, and I'm sure she'll love every minute!
The Kuglers hope you all have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I will try to post pictures of our Christmas celebrations next week, before we head for the mountains next Thursday for New Year's Weekend. In the meantime, pray for some cold weather and SNOW! I'm ready to get on a board, and I don't mean a surfboard! We wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas :) xoxo
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