Well, we had our 18 week anatomy ultrasound this morning....I was a little nervous because, as I had mentioned previously, I really haven't felt much movement. Well, everything looked perfect. It was an in-depth scan of all the organs, brain, heart chambers, umbilical cord, etc. The baby had "his" hands in front of "his" face for much of the scan, and "his" legs crossed. We looked away from the screen while the genitalia was being examined. I keep saying "he" because it's been such a different pregnancy from the last...The baby is very active, so I'm surprised I haven't felt much. Also, the tech was wrong at my 12 week scan as we found out today my placenta is located on the back wall of my uterus (posterior) instead of the front (anterior), meaning there is no cushion there to muffle the kicks and punches. I'm sure in time I'll be complaining about feeling this booger, but until then I'll enjoy this seemingly perfect, symptomless pregnancy!
Stats: The heartbeat was 154, my blood pressure was 98/60, and I've only gained 2 lbs since my first visit. The baby is measuring 10 ounces, and 6 days ahead of schedule. Like Payton, "he" has a large head, measuring in around 83% in size. I go back in 4 weeks for a regular, routine visit. I'll have at least one more ultrasound, just to check everything, including fluid levels, which, by the way, are completely normal this go-round :) I can continue to run for as long as my body, and bladder, will allow!
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