I just wanted to post an update on everyone. We've had a HOT spring? so far, since it's not officially summer yet. That's hard to believe. But time is FLYING...it's mid June already. Payton has enjoyed A LOT of pool time and enjoys it more than I could have wished. Her swimming skills are getting stronger by the week. In addition to blowing bubbles and kicking her feet, she's moving her arms, and actually swimming a bit. She loves for Daddy to throw her in off the side to me, and we do that repeatedly.
One word to describe Payton: hillarious. She has us laughing constantly. She makes funny faces, walks with a "strut," talks in her own language constantly, makes her "kissy-face," sings songs, and loves on her dogs. She loves to push her baby doll stroller around, although Callie's boyfriend, Natogi, ate the face off her one and only baby doll, so she pushes her stuffed animals around. Don't worry. Baby doll #2 is on her way.
Last weekend one of my dearest, and bravest, friends had baby #4!! LOL! Julie Madden Kreutzer gave birth to a very healthy & handsome baby boy, Jacob Mason Kreutzer. Weighing in at 8 lbs, 6 oz, he and Payton were the same birth size. Payton and I went to visit them at the hospital. Other than giving Jacob the two kisses I asked of her, Payton was pretty much unimpressed, and went about doing her own thing. I don't think I'll have to worry too much about jealousy with the new babe, but we'll see! Also, we took dinner to the Tisdales, up on Lake Norman. It was great to see Amy and the kids, Caroline and Whitt, and we were able to spend a little time with Johnathan. It was really hard seeing him, but we are thankful to have had the chance to spend some time with him. Please remember to keep the Tisdales in your prayers, as this is such a difficult and delicate time for them...
Our nursery is finally almost completed. We have furniture moved in, and Brian is hopefully assembling the crib this weekend. There are a few finishing touches to be done, but all and all, it looks great, and we can officially start the nesting process! Less than EIGHT weeks to go before we meet the newest addition to the Kugler family. The name discussion officially begins on Fathers' Day, so maybe this little booger will have a couple of names before the delivery day!
The pregnancy...still going wonderfully. I have had brief periods of back pain on a couple nights, but that's not par for the course....yet. At 31 weeks, I'm still sitting at just about 11-12 lbs gained (which if you saw my big belly you wouldn't understand!), and I'm still jogging/walking at up to 4 miles at a time (you should see people staring at me as they drive by!) I think the running is helping tremendously, as I'm not yet swelling, even with this extreme heat. I'm definitely ready for bed at night, but I've survived the days without napping. And with a toddler around, how could I? My next routine doctor's appointment is on Monday, at 32 weeks, then I'll go in every 2 weeks until week 36. Then once a week, until week 39....then my csection!! I'm tentatively scheduled for August 9th. I'm a bag of mixed emotions. We have it SO easy with Payton that I'm scared to death to have a newborn around, but I'm sure all our fears will go away once we're holding our precious baby (boy?). I'm still feeling boy. OH, and talking about newborns, I currently have ELEVEN friends pregnant. Seriously. Baby Boom.
Well, my TWENTY YEAR high school reunion is coming up on June 25th...stay tuned for stories and pictures from that event. I volunteered to help on the reunion committee, so I'm very excited to see how all our hard work turns out. I'm guaranteed to not be the skinniest girl there ;)
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