The Wednesday before Halloween the whole family went to Morrison Shopping area, over near Southpark, for an evening of Trick-or-Treating and kid-friendly activities. We got the kids dressed in their costumes and Payton was able to go in all the stores, in the shopping area, and Trick-or-Treat. She got the hang of it pretty quickly, but after each stop, she wanted to eat the candy she just scored. It was quite cute! They had baby pumpkins for the kids to decorate and a train on which the kids could ride. Griffin, Payton and I took a ride on the train. Payton LOVED it so much that she and Daddy took two more rides, and would have kept going had we let her. It was a fun night!
Before actual Halloween, we were able to go visit both baby Wes and baby Camryn. Griffin had a great time with his new buddy, and his beautiful girlfriend :) Payton and Raegan had fun pretending to be babies! Uncle Gary came by one afternoon to finally meet Griffin! His niece, Geoffrey Olive (named for her uncle who was struck by a car when he was just 17), "Olive," was born October 14th, just before Camryn...lots and lots of babies around!
The Saturday before Halloween we visited Miller Farm in Ft. Mill to pet the animals and take some pictures. They offer hayrides, but it had rained hard the night before, so we weren't able to catch a ride. The kids didn't know any different and had a blast feeding & petting the animals. We met The Richardsons, Greenes, and Boughmans that morning. That evening we had a wedding reception to attend for my coworker, Troy. Payton showed off and danced with Baby Abby ALL night! We didn't leave until almost 10pm, and she was still running on full-steam. Sunday morning we visited a local pumpkin patch for some pictures, although Payton wasn't really into it. She had more fun hiding and finding Baby Abby, and she really wanted to play on the playground she spied not so far away.
Halloween evening was hectic. I headed over to the Topham's with the kids, and Daddy met us there from the office. We quickly woofed down dinner, threw on our costumes, took some pics, and went on our way. Raegan, Sam, and Payton had fun trick-or-treating. Raegan tried to run into every door that opened, and Payton just mostly liked knocking on the door, or ringing the doorbell. Sam was into the freedom of being able to run. Everyone had a great time!
I started back to the office on Nov. 1 which was bittersweet. It was good to get back in the swing of things, and the day passed quickly, but I missed the kids like crazy! Daddy is staying home for 2 weeks with them, and Grandmommy and Granddude came to visit the kids on my first day back. They also took us out to dinner...mexican, Mommy's choice! Griffin is growing bigger & stronger by the day. If you stick your tongue out at him, he reciprocates. He's grabbing and pulling on toys now, and seems to have "found" his hands and feet. He was put into his "Sassy Seat" (jumper in the doorway) for the first time this week, and he seemed to like it. Payton is hard to catch smiling with the camera anymore...she loves to joke around and do anything and everything that you don't want her to do. We've introduced "time-out" to her, which she kind of likes, so far. She'll do something she knows is wrong, say "no," then climb on the couch (in her time-out spot). We do everything we can not to laugh. She's pushing her limits for sure! Griffin slept almost 12 hours a couple nights ago, and he's transitioning better into his crib for naps. Things are slowly falling into place, which is great since Granby is getting ready to have BOTH kids in a week. I'm going to an 8a-2p work schedule which will help her out a lot, and I'll get to see the kids more.
My Dad used to take me outside every night, before bed, to look at the moon and stars...I loved it! It's one of my fondest memories. I've always told Brian if we had a girl, I wanted him to do the same for her. So he has done it a couple of times now, and Payton loves it! It's just recently been dark enough before her bedtime that they've been able to see anything. Hopefully they'll continue this "tradition!"
We can't believe it's November already. We have many fun upcoming plans and trips, so keep checking back for updates and pictures. Hopefully you are enjoying watching our family grow!
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