How could we have a two year old already? Wasn't it just yesterday that we brought a little 8 pound, 6 oz "Payton Delaney" home from the hospital? In size 1 diapers? Who is this cute, sweet, entertaining, loud, independent, and precocious blonde, blue-eyed toddler at our house? Well, if you've ever met her, she has left a lasting impression on you, no doubt! Last weekend was one of my most memorable weekends ever. Full of family, friends, parties, and Easter. Here's how it went...
Friday was good. "Good Friday." I stayed home from the office with our littles...we had a relaxing morning, getting prepared for Payton's birthday party (which was Saturday. I'll get to that next). Here we are being lazy:
He's reading at a kindergarten level already, lol! |
He is ALL over the place now...and getting quicker every day. Pulling up can't be too far away. The boy wants to run! |
Taking a quick break...oh my. I just love this little boy! |
Griffin is holding his bottle, feeding himself from those baby food pouches, wanting to eat everything we are having, crawling and getting faster each day (see video below from last week), going from belly to a sitting position, talking ALL the time...ba ba, da da, ma ma, ga ga...LOVES chasing balls around, is trying to pull up, and no doubt will be soon. He's a happy, smiley little boy. |
Even Callie was relaxing with the hot dog Nana brought her. |
Friday afternoon we went to Raegan's 2nd birthday party. Her grandfather brought a pony to her house. Rae's cousins were in town, and some friends we hadn't seen in a while were there. The kids were SOoooOoo excited to ride the pony, everyone but...Payton. Yes. Our brave, "I do it," scared of nothing daughter was what? Scared to ride the pony? Yes. Wouldn't have anything to do with it. We bribed her to get this picture, but she wasn't happy about it:
Griffin, on the other hand, was more than willing to give it a go. After we pulled him off the little pink car he was looking so manly in, he grabbed the pony's mane, saddled up, and smiled, smiled, smiled!
Here are some more pictures of Raegan's party...
Payton receiving her "Best Friends" bracelet |
Raegan receiving her "Best Friends" bracelet |
Besties! |
This child has never sucked a paci a day in her life...hey, maybe could use this one to help stop her thumb-sucking? |
Besties! | | | | | |
Payton and Sam looking at the fishies |
The birthday girl...her actual birthday is April 9, 2010, just 2 days after Payton's! |
And our MAIN EVENT of the weekend, Payton's Second Birthday Party...Saturday morning was filled with running around, and getting last minute projects finished, getting packed, and loaded up to head to her 4 o'clock birthday party at Gymboree, in Ballantyne. I did manage to get a 7 mile run in with my running partner, Callie. It was a gorgeous morning, and beautiful day! The kids all had a blast running around the venue. Here are some of the highlights from her day:
The cake was from Brenda's Cake Gallery in Belmont, NC (and everyone commented on how good it was) and I made the cupcakes |
Sweet Madi arriving and giving the birthday girl hugs |
Banks was in Payton's class since she started at Providence Baptist...he recently moved schools, so this was the first time they've seen each other in a while. Melts my heart! |
Payton and her sweet friend Eva...they love to play together in the afternoons at Granby's! |
Is Gymnastics in her future?... |
Maybe, but we sure need to work on some coordination first! Payton is becoming less clumsy, slowly. |
Griffin and his new friend, Madison (both 8 months old) |
Banks, Payton, and Daniella...all classmates since "the beginning" |
She would flinch every time she blew the bubbles |
Even the little guys enjoyed the bubbles! |
Parachute time! BIG fun for all! |
I have a feeling the birthday girl enjoyed herself! |
Look at that smile!! |
YAY! now...bring on the cupcakes and ice cream! |
The kids all seemed to have a really fun time, especially Payton. It was a very special day for her, and to be able to spend it with most of her friends and family was priceless. After the party we headed over to Zapata's to eat Mexican, with Granby and Grumps. Payton was full of herself, and cupcakes, and chips. She behaved, for the most part, but we knew she was getting tired quickly. She was playing with my iPhone, a "crutch" for Mommy and Daddy when we know Payton's bedtime is growing near, and we are out in public. Payton was very surprised and was not sure what to think of the waiters who put a sombrero on her head and sung her "Happy Birthday." But she sure liked the fried ice cream! Actually, she only ate a few bites, then stated she was full! Granby had no problem helping her clean her bowl. Just before we left, a lady seated nearby came over and wished Payton a happy birthday, and was SO impressed at how well she navigates the iPhone. I'm not sure that's something we want to be complimented on, but nonetheless, we think she's a pretty smart cookie!
Payton was so tired when we arrived home that we postponed her opening presents until Sunday. Here are a few shots of that...her attention span was definitely longer than last year, but she was still very overwhelmed with all the nice gifts she received from her friends and family. Griffin beat us over to the gifts, and started without us:
My first dress-up outfit (thanks Gil!!) |
Multi-tasking (thanks, Madi, for the cool scooter!) |
Easter Morning...the Easter Bunny came to visit! And left quite a healthy breakfast ;) |
Getting ready to head to Easter service at Sardis Presby |
This was the best picture I could get of the kids with Granby...Payton kept wanting to run off. |
Easter egg hunt at Granby and Grump's before lunch |
Payton made a friend in her sandbox, before lunch |
After lunch we pulled out the leftover birthday cake, sung "Happy Birthday," and let Payton blow her candle out again. It just never gets old to a 2 year old!
Our little rock star |
Later Sunday, Payton and I got outside and enjoyed the sunshine with Britt and Madi. The girls actually got in the lake...not sure why that surprises me, since Payton was in the ocean and pool last weekend.
I took cupcakes to Payton's Mother's Morning Out class on Monday |
Some fun things about Payton at age 2:
- She is speaking really well, in 5-7 word sentences. Most of the time we can understand her. My favorite messed up phrase: "mommy, scoop up!" She says this when she wants her chair scooted closer to the table. Also, she holds her pointer finger out right at her mouth, and says "i be riiight back," then goes off to get whatever she wants. Super cute! She's hillarious and entertains us, and Griffin, daily.
- She's getting into pretending a lot...with her baby dolls, her kitchen equipment and food. She loves to feed her babies, hug them, and put them to sleep (and covers them up).
- She received a Ybike from Mommy and Daddy for her birthday (no pedals, works on balance). She is still figuring it out, but seems to really like it (video below). She also likes to push her new scooter.
- RUNS everywhere.
- She shows concern. If you look sad, she'll get a concerned look on her face and hug you. If you talk about getting hurt, she'll say "cry?" and kiss your boo-boo. She still hates band aids, but asks for ice if she gets hurt.
- Is little Miss Independent. Wants to do everything by herself.
- Is still sucking her thumb when she's tired. We're working on it, but it' going to be a long road.
- She goes potty on the toilet sometimes. We haven't pushed it yet, but we are still trying.
- She is getting the hang of coloring. She can hold the crayons quite well, and tries really hard to color in the lines (see video below)
- She likes to say her prayers every night.

I am glad she loved the dress up outfit! I loved the wings on it. Gil gets dressed up all the time in tutu's at Tina's, and he seems to like it! Ha!
ReplyDeleteOur boys will be so manly ;)