This year, 2012, marks two VERY big milestones...birth dates, to be exact. On August 9th, our baby boy will be turning one. Our last baby, who will officially be dubbed a "toddler" moving forward. It makes me sad, yet excited, simultaneously. Griffin's smile and those big blue eyes make our hearts melt. He's a sweet, sweet little boy, and we look forward to watching him learn, develop, and grow into a little boy. He'll always be my baby boy :)
Then there's the other birth date...mine. 12/12/12. The last time this type of date will ever happen (until December 12,
3012. Just another 1000 years!) It happens to be my
(gulp) 40th birthday! How could that be? I'm not old! I don't look any older than when I was 20, right?
(The unfortunate answer: Yes. Yes I do. I'm fatter. Slower. I have more wrinkles. Things hurt more, physically and emotionally. Who am I kidding? Yes. I'm older). I have my husband to thank for keeping me young at heart, though. I mean, being a "cougar" is hard work, and he keeps me on my toes, seeing that he's merely
(another gulp) 32 years young! Moving forward, I will embrace my age, my laugh lines, and my love handles, and especially my family. Time is precious, and too short-lived. Be crazy. Be yourself. And most importantly, do the things that make you most happy :) That, my friends, is what will keep you young, no matter what you look like on the outside!
This was WAY back in you see a little Griffin and little Payton? JP-about 6 mos, and I was 6 years! |
And me today. 39 years young and holding...(I just realized I have hardly any pictures of myself, since I'm always behind the camera...good thing we have a photo shoot coming up :)
So, for now, I'm enjoying every moment of Griffin being my little 11 month old, and the end of my 30's...I'm ready to jump into this new chapter of my "adult" chapter, if you will. 40? How did this happen? I consider myself lucky to have had such wonderful parents who gave me all I ever wanted growing up, which was the precursor to my married life...and into my own parenthood. It's been a good far....I hear the 40's are awesome. I can't wait to find out!
Pictures from our recent adventures...
We thought it may just be time for that first haircut! Check out that morning-do! |
Payton...2 years, 3 months. First haircut. Not excited about it, at first, but then was okay, once she got lollipops and cookies |
Sparkly star for a brave girl! |
I have NO idea where she gets this from?! |
This was just before the ant-attack...those little bare feet ended up in an ant pile. Ugh. We hate ants! 15 bites later...she's itchy and swollen :( |
Yummy dinner and fun evening with the Johnsons...Kelli is an old, dear friend of mine from high school who moved back to Charlotte recently. She has 5 children (on purpose, lol) of her own. She was getting some baby love, and making her husband quite nervious ;) |
Payton channeling Michael Jackson? lol |
Sweet Davis playing "peek-a-boo" with Griffin. |
Party time! |
Our little drummer boy (above)...always hitting and banging on his toys...and everything!
Payton and Raegan's All-Girl Band |
Payton said that she was the singer... |
Controlled Chaos |
Big boy "riding" his bike! |
The boy LOVES peanut butter. He eats more than his sissy! |
Maybe we should start working on the manners ;) |
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