...school's back in session, and the mornings and evenings are getting cooler. I'm not ready for summer to be over, as it seems like it just started! The kids will be starting their Mother's Morning Out programs next week at Sardis Presbyterian Church, my parent's church, and where I grew up going. Payton is excited to start back, meet her teachers, and make some new friends. It's bittersweet to me because she LOVED her old school, friends, and teachers, but I know she'll have no problem with the switch and making new friends. Griffin will be going to "school" for his first time ever, and I know he'll love it! Payton will be going 3 days per week, and Griffin is in 2 days. I'm excited to see how they grow and develop this school year!
This past weekend was a fun one! I had a Girls' Night Out Friday night. I'm co-hosting a baby shower for my dear friend, Stonie, and we met up to get invitations addressed and toss ideas around. Stonie and I have known each other since I was in the 5th grade! She is having baby #2, "Juliet," in November. Saturday morning, after my run, we took the kids to Sam Topham's 3rd "Spiderman" pool birthday party. I couldn't stay, as I had a fun morning planned with my mom at the spa, then out to lunch. The kids had a lot of fun, and so did mom and I! Saturday night we took the kids to Rivergate Shopping Center (near our house) to listen to live music. They both shook their booties and loved playing in the fountain. Sunday Funday was spent on the lake, WAKEBOARDING, finally! Brian even took a couple runs. We had a boat-full of friends, and had a great time...and as usual, the boat broke down (overheated), but thankfully not until the end of the day, and even more thankfully, Cheryl and Jeremy had just come to find us and were able to give us a tow. Oh....that B.O.A.T! (bring on another thousand, so they say!)
This coming weekend is our annual Ocean Isle trip, and as always, everyone is excited.. I'm hoping we have nice weather, as we've been spoiled with sunshine just about every year we've gone. Crossing fingers, and making deals with Mother Nature :) and excited to see many friends we haven't seen in a while!
Griffin loves his basketball goal (birthday present from Granby and Grumps). He can take 3-4 steps now. He picks up the ball, puts it on his head, and walks to the goal, then "slam dunks" it. It's really cute and he does it over and over. He's standing for lengths of time by himself now, and will take a couple steps here and there, on his own. We don't think it will be long for it all to "click" and we'll have a runner on our hands! He has 7 teeth, (3 on bottom, 4 on top), is getting more hair, says a couple things consistently (and will repeat if asked): Oh Wow! Hi! Ma Ma, Da Da, and something that sounds similar to "more." He'll shake his head yes or no, depending on his answer, and points to whatever he wants. He's a great sleeper, and eats WAY more than his sister. I'm not sure where he puts it all.
Payton is talking more and more clearly, and her vocabulary has exploded. She's getting much more controlled using a marker. She can draw straight lines from object to object, starting to learn to trace letters, and is coloring
almost within the lines. She likes to play catch and is getting better throwing, bouncing, and catching the ball. Her favorite color is pink, which should be no surprise, and she's all about "matching." Example-mommy, I want to use the orange marker because it matches my dress.
A funny...Me-"Payton, you need to go potty before we leave." Payton-"Mommy, I don't have to go potty." Me-Payton, I need you to go try. I'll give you a surprise if you try." Payton-"Mom. What cha got?" Oh my! We are in.for.it!!!
Here are some pictures from our recent "adventures"...please enjoy!
I'll call you later, babe... |
Who's having a bad hair day? |
Callie-Dog at 3.5 years old |
Emma-Bear at 9 years old |
At TBones planning Stonie's shower...Stonie, Me, Chasity |
Another Girls' Night Out for Andy's birthday! Kim, Me, Andy |
Playing in the fountain at Rivergate |
It's getting to be someone's naptime! |
May I see your license please? |
Adrianne, Becki, Me |
Griffin meets "Sparkles" |
Rankin (3) walking Payton up to her pool, from the boat, to swim. They are so cute together, and look so much alike! |
Chasity, Jonny, Becki, Me, Rob, Shelby, and Becki...GORGEOUS day! |
And we ended the day with a tow from Cheryl and Jeremy...Payton hopped on their boat, with Raegan and Camryn, for the ride. Thanks for rescuing us, guys! (Apparently my water pump-impeller-has gone bad, and needs replacing, so the boat was overheating. Assuming no other damage was sustained, a quick, easy, and not too expensive fix!) |
We hope everyone has a safe, fun, relaxing Labor Day weekend! We're not excited to get back next week and fight school AND DNC traffic...until then, our toes will be in the sand....
Someone doesn't want to be left behind! She is SO excited to go "Ghost-Crabbing!" |