...Sugar Mountain, that is. We spent a long weekend up at the mountain house with our neighbors, Doug and Brenda. Brian had to give some interviews on Friday, so he didn't join us until Friday evening. Unfortunately, he missed the most beautiful day. The kids were just about perfect on the way up, Thursday, and I managed to make a potty and grocery store stop. We also met our friends, Nickie and her daughter, Lily, for a quick dinner. Friday morning, we all went for a walk around the neighborhood and up to the ski slopes. The sky was gorgeous, and the temperatures stayed in the 70's. Absolutely perfect fall day. The leaves in the higher elevations are at peak now. Lots of bright yellows, oranges, and reds.
Family of wild turkeys that live in our neighborhood! Gobble-gobble! |
Good morning, Blue Ridge Mountains! |
Where we spend most of our time...all four seasons! |
Payton and our neighbor, Doug, on the edge of the world! |
The kids "rock climbing" |
Hey! Where's all the snow? |
And that brings us to naptime....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Post-naps, Friday afternoon we drove down to Elk River Falls. It was a beautiful drive. Payton was so excited to "hike" at the falls. I was a nervous wreck, as I'm terrified of heights. Hello, vertigo!
Saturday afternoon was spent at our favorite mountain destination: Grandfather Winery. It was a cooler, misty day, but there were still probably 50 people there. We all had a blast...
How cute are these little guys? |
2024 OIB Croquet Champ |
Throwing the (hard) croquet ball for Casey, the resident hound |
Snack time with Daddy! |
This is what Payton thought of yet another picture ;) |
Payton insisted she be a part of Doug and Brenda's family portrait :) |
Cornhole has got to be THE best babysitter. Our kids can play on and around the boards for hours... |
r.e.l.a.x.i.n.g. |
Casey, you need a bath ;) |
This is how G woke up Sunday morning (if you can still call 10:45 morning...well, I guess it still is, technically!) |
Sunday night, Griffin woke up crying and threw up once (at least I thought it was vomit). He may have just worked himself up crying, but nonetheless, he was running a low-grade fever, and not acting like himself...very uncomfortable and restless. We cuddled in our bed for a long while, and eventually we got him back to sleep. Daddy stayed home with him on Monday, just to make sure he was all better, which he was. Looking back, I think he may just be teething. He's drooling like crazy, and doesn't have much of an appetite, which isn't like him. It's been a long while since tooth #8 came in, so it's definitely time! By this point, Payton had a mouth-full of teeth. Here's the littles sleeping (since G is such a light sleeper, we rarely get to see him like this!)
Speaking of sleeping, most every day in Griffin's class, some of his buddies pass out in their high chairs at lunch. Here is the first time it's happened to Griffin: (so uncomfortable looking, but precious!)
Here's Payton on Monday, at school. She wanted to show off her new big girl book bag.
Payton started swim lessons Monday afternoon with an old friend of mine. She did just as I expected. She screamed for 30 minutes. I left the pool area, and all I could think was how terrible of a mother I am for paying someone to torture her. As you know, she LOVES the pool. She is a GREAT swimmer. She does NOT like to be left with strangers. We are going to try again, in a couple of weeks, with me in the pool also. If that doesn't work, I'll continue to give her lessons, personally, and wait until next winter for private lessons. I don't want to freak her out, as she has done so well with just me. Here she is on the way to lessons...she was kind of excited.
Have a nice week, everyone!!
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