Thursday, August 29, 2013

ROC Race and G's 2 year CHECK UP!

Little G had his 2 year annual check up on Monday.  He's healthy as can be!  Here's what G is up to at 2:

Height:  37 inches (95%)
Weight:  32 pounds, 8 ounces (90%)
Head:  95% (he's going to be smart, I tell ya!)
Wears a 2T in clothing, and a size 8 shoe.

(To compare to Payton, at 2 she was 34 pounds and 37 inches, 90% head!)  Neither had any signs of their 2 year molars, at this age.

Other things Griffin is up to at 2:
-Getting more comfortable in the water, likes to kick, blow bubbles, and smack his face into the water and go under by himself.
-LOVES Thomas the Train
-Loves "Cars," the movie
-Went to see his first movie at a theater ("Planes") and mostly sat still
-Loves playing with his wooden train tracks, Matchbox cars, and anything Thomas related
-LOVES reading books, especially anything to do with trucks, tractors, and bulldozers
-Knows, and can recognize, the alphabet
-Can count, with little help, to 20
-Speaks in 6-7 word sentences.  Doesn't say "L's" or "R's" very well
-Loves playing catch with the soccer ball, and is fairly consistent catching it, from about 5 feet away
-Doesn't care for ice cream, and isn't a big sweets eater
-Likes broccoli and green beans, but not really many other veggies.  He likes chicken, steak, shrimp, mahi mahi, salmon, turkey, ribs, and tuna (so far).  Keeping true to the "meat and potatoes" male stereotype...although he doesn't like potatoes, lol.
-Says "fingie" for finger, and "motorpsychie" for motorcycle
-I think his favorite color is yellow.  Anytime we ask him what color he wants, the answer is yellow.
-Follows directions very well
-Likes to put himself into time-out.  He doesn't get in trouble very much.
-So far, the "Terrible 2's" haven't been so bad :)

Payton says she wants to be a doctor when she grows up.  Dr. Nguyen is AWESOME and always lets her help.  Payton's favorite word to say, at the doctor's office, "stethoscope."

He wanted to wear sissy's goggles

They look SO much alike now, at least I think...

HAPPY 4th Birthday, SAM!!  We had a blast at your party!
Indy Grab!
Here the kids are "training" to actually go wakeboarding.  If you turn your volume up, you can hear how ready Payton really is!

Sorry about the fuzziness (cell phone pic) but this was Payton's FIRST time out on the wakeboard.  She smiled from ear-to-ear and kept asking (while still on the board) when she could go again!  She LOVED it, to say the least.

Tandem Toddler
So, Brian and I, and about 8 other teammates, participated in the "ROC" Race last Sunday.  "Ridiculous Obstacle Race."  Kind of like Wipeout, if you're familiar with that.  We had a blast!!  It's a 5K race, with 10 obstacles ranging from vaulting road block barricades, to sliding down a giant inflatable slide. 
Payton took this picture!

Team "Wii SO Not Fit"  (Payton also took this picture!)

And she also took this one...not too shabby!

 So, there was this "foam" machine there.  There was foam at several of the obstacles, and they had a pile of it that the kids could play in.  You can seriously lose your child in this stuff.  They had A BLAST!

Yes, she's washing G's hair, on the right.
My struggle, each and every morning that the sleeping beauty doesn't wake up on her own.  She's seriously like a teenager.  She climbs down under the covers, or shoves her head under a pillow when I turn her bathroom light on.  She asks me to leave her alone so she can keep sleeping.  I wonder how the teenage years will be?
Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!  We are off to Ocean Isle Beach...I look forward to lots of sun, running, and watching my Dad play his beloved beach croquet.  It means the world to me that he can play this year :) and I hope he brings home the "trophy" again!  I'm not sure how much relaxing I'll get, as Brian is staying home, to attend UNCC's big, historical first-ever football game.  Hey, he gave me 3 years to prepare for it, as he warned me in 2010, that he would NOT be going on this beach trip.  With sunshine in the forecast (finally), I'm sure I'll manage to survive ;)

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