Let's start with more Soccer Shots pictures. These are from Payton's last two Thursdays of soccer (yesterday was her last one until the spring, and because the playground needs mulch, they've closed it..so, the kids played their last day indoors). They have been working on the "goalie move." (By the way, Brian asked Payton to show him her soccer moves. Griffin brings the ball out, and starts telling, and showing Brian, every one Payton has learned so far...so he's also learning! I may try to stick him in the spring session, if they'll let me. He's supposed to be 3 to start, but COME ON :)
So what's Griffin doing all this time (other than supposedly paying attention?)...
Last day of Soccer Shots until spring...
G trying the "airplane move." |
P accepting her "Soccer Shots" certificate (she hugged her coaches just after this). She's looking forward to seeing them again in the spring and asked if they could just keep playing all winter. |
We had a play date with one of Payton's friends from school, "Lexi." Her parents are also friends with some of our friends, so we made it a Friday night party! Lexi, Payton, Griffin, and Sydney, Lexi's 5 year old sister, all got along beautifully. They played so well, and quiet together, we really didn't even know they were there!
Audrey, Kari, Heather, Me |
About 4:30am, Payton woke up. She had puked and pooped everywhere (sorry for that visual, but it happens!) Brian and I started cleaning up. I got her in the shower, he stripped and re-made the bed, got the floors cleaned up, and we all tried to get a little more sleep before we heard that little "knock knock" on our bedroom door, letting us know little man was awake. How could the stomach virus, ie-"The Plague," already be in our house? Ugh. So, our Saturday plans changed a bit. Brian and Griffin went to the UNCC football game, as planned, and met Gary and Cameron there. I stayed at home with Sweet P, let her watch movies on the couch all day, and I cleaned. REALLY cleaned. Cloroxed and Lysoled everything and anything. Albeit, successfully, as no one else got it. Whew. We escaped it once. Well, that was the only incident from Payton. She looked like she felt fine, and said she felt fine, but I still kept her in all day. She had quite the appetite. She kept asking for snacks, and I finally quit taking her little by little, and made her a tray of food.
That afternoon, after Griffin had a nap, I wanted to get him out of the house (and I wanted a break) so we headed over to Cheryl and Jeremy's. Raegan and Camryn's cousins were in town, and so were Cheryl's parents. We had a fun evening, and got back home in time for Daddy to go out for a friend's birthday.
Griffin took several minutes, and a couple of tries, to get this couch exactly right. It was hilarious to watch. Headband-his doing. |
My little photogs...Payton picked up the camera. So monkey see, monkey do. |
It's been since late September, when the pool closed, that the kids have been in a pool. I thought it was time to see what they remembered. We went to Marion Diehl indoor pool. Well, Griffin is still reluctant in the water. He puts his head under, will hold my hands and kick, blow bubbles, but that's where it ends. Payton is rusty, but can still make it around the pool. They had fun, especially in the kiddie pool, and then at the little park outside afterwards.
The kids also got haircuts this day...although you can't really tell G got much cut off. We're going for the shaggy skater look, I guess (so I was told by his "stylist." lol) Payton just needed hers trimmed up, as she wants to grow it long, and the trim made it look so much more healthy, even, and fuller.
And if that wasn't enough in one day, I took the kids to Anne Springs Dairy Barn, solo, for some pictures (Daddy was at work). Here are some of the "outtakes." I have to save the good ones for Christmas cards :)
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His hair is glowing! |
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Geeeez...Show a little leg, why don't cha? |
Here's Payton exactly a year ago, at the same spot:
The day wore the kids out. This is how I found Griffin that night:
And Callie:
Here's Griffin saying the blessing (which I didn't even know he knew!):
Always playing dress up with my shoes...My knee high boots become booty high boots on her...Growing up WAY too fast! |
I went to get G up the other morning and found him like this. I wonder how long he had been there. We talked about it, and he told me he would be sleeping in his "big boy bed" from now on. No more cold floor! Poor little guy :(
Night out with Shiela, Brenda, and Dougie. Wine. Good wine. Good friends. Good night. I'm lucky to have such an awesome husband who lets me get out every once in a while. We like to "tag-team" so we save on babysitting costs. He's going on a golf outing with his best buds this weekend, and he went out for a friend's birthday last Saturday night. But, it is nice to have date nights with each other, every once in a while. Good thing my birthday is coming up (hint, hint, honey ;)
Well, another busy weekend ahead...my half marathon is tomorrow, which I'm not totally prepared for, and then we have our annual "BeerBQ" party at my bestie's house. Brian is playing golf with his buddies, and I'm going to the PATRIOTS v Panthers game on Monday night. LET'S GO PATS!!!
**UPDATE ON GRUMPS, DAD, BOB, ROBERT, LUKE, NART, and any other aliases I'm leaving out...**
The chemo flat out sucks. As soon as he "doesn't feel as bad," meaning he still feels like absolute crap, but not as bad as the day previous, he has to begin the chemo/infusion/pills cycle again. He describes what he feels like as extreme fatigue, eyes feel like they have Elmers glue in them, and the worst flu symptoms you can imagine. Just shaky, no appetite, no energy. Yucky. Really yucky. We all hope and pray for some pErFeCt news at the end of all this. The surgeon really felt he got everything, inside the colon, and the lymph nodes affected on the outside, but with cancer, you just never know. February 24th, 2014 is our end date. Let's hope it's FOR GOOD! Please keep him in your prayers...Grumps, be ready for a PAR-TAY in March! Hey, don't we have a trip to Vegas planned then anyway? Perfect. WHOOP!
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