Oh yeah, the blog...I've been so incredibly busy, with the snow break, Martin Luther King, Jr, and Presidents Day breaks, Brian was gone a week in Dallas, for work, and a snowboarding trip for me, that I haven't had a chance to update. Work is crazy busy, the kids have had birthday party after birthday party, and Payton has dance...and we'll be adding soccer back in 2 weeks from now. *Breathe* Busy is an understatement! So I apologize, but here's what we've been up to....
Payton at dance:
Knox's 2nd birthday party...
Channeling Uncle Gary, playing drums with the infamous tongue sticking out |
My little rockstar |
Knox, the birthday boy |
Collecting the loot! |
My parents took off to Hawaii, so I had Griffin at the office with me one day. He did awesome. I actually got a lot done, and no one really even knew he was there...Payton was in pre-school this day.
My neighbors, and good friends, had a Super Bowl party the next day. Brian was in Dallas. The kids and I hung out and helped prepare for the crowd, and had a blast. It was a gorgeous day! The game? Well it pretty much sucked.
Griffin and Payton had a blast with everyone, and I'm pretty sure everyone enjoyed them! |
Becki and Payton...immediate BFF's |
My friends, Gary and Nick, went to the mountains with me the following weekend. The forecast didn't look great, but other than a little fog (which ALWAYS seems to blanket Beech Mountain) it turned out to be a great weekend. The snow was awesome. We met up with some old friends, had some good food and wine, and I enjoyed relaxing a little. Brian stayed with the kids, since he had been away from them for the week prior. I've been very lucky to get some days on the snow this season...the snow has been pretty rad.
K2 Snowboards...represented! |
Nick, Me, Gary, Andy |
Back together like the old days! |
A beautiful picture of sunrise at Beech |
I got to ride with my buddy, Jeff Johnson...manager at Edge of the World |
This says it all with 2 words...ha! |
We had a great weekend...wish I had more time on the snow. Maybe when the kids get a little older, we can get season passes and go more often. Hopefully they'll continue to have my passion for snowboarding.
Back to reality...back home. But wait! We kept hearing about snow. Well, after you've lived in Charlotte for practically your whole life, you take a snowy forecast with a grain of salt (and a loaf of bread!) Well, this time the forecasters actually got it right! It's been since 2004 that we've seen this amount of snow...maybe 6-8inches? It snowed for 2 days straight. ALL of my snow gear, snowboards, kid's boards, etc were in the mountains. WHY didn't I check that forecast before leaving the mountains?!? Thankfully I found an old pair of snowboard boots, and I had brought home a board, for my upcoming trip to Snowshoe, the past weekend. I borrowed some gloves, and it was on! I'm pretty sure the adults had more fun than the kids. Actually, the kids didn't really go out in it very much...but we sure did. I love where we live. We need more space, but our neighbors are wicked cool, and everyone loves to come out and play. Play we did! Check us out:
Payton loving some snow cream! |
As Grumps pointed out, this snowman has no limbs! We'll do a better job next time! |
Our road before the real heavy stuff fell |
Nose Grab! |
Callie and Tucker having a blast...they LOVE the snow. |
Mandi and Me |
It really wasn't all that cold, and I was sick of putting all those clothes on! |
Kayaking isn't just for water... |
The neighbors and me enjoying the sunshine on our third snowy day |
Payton (almost 4), Sienna (6), and Tyler (5) |
The Yachtsman Crew |
That was all ICE. |
The snow finally started to melt. I guess we were all about ready to see it go. I'm still hopeful for one last big dump before spring arrives! If not in Charlotte, then maybe when I'm in Snowshoe. Last year we received about 3 FEET of snow while I was there. That's what I'm talking about!
The kids picked out these gorgeous roses for me for Valentine's Day. |
Resting up after much playing in the snow! |
The sun was out, it warmed up...we had to go to the park! |
"Baby" Roman met us there. But he's no baby anymore! |
And neither is this big boy! |
Payton is getting to be quite a good photographer! |
Although one of us didn't want to be photographed, Payton did a pretty awesome job! |
Wouldn't let me take his PJ's top off. At.All. |
Griffin is so stinking ready to begin sports...he doesn't want to wait until he's 3. It's ridiculous! PS-notice that swing, Grumps. LEFTY! That's what his momma has taught him! |
I've been training for my next 1/2 marathon, and Nick has been training me at the gym (I'm a gym idiot, I'll be the first to admit it!) I have lost about 12 pounds since Christmas, and I haven't seen this weight since maybe the 10th grade. Bring on summer! I'm planning on keeping this up and hopefully continuing to see results. Whoop! Side note, ignore the fuzz on my left toe, and the dirty floor. |
Cowfish with my "brothers from another mother..." Gary and Greg Guthrie. |
He asked me to take his picture. What a little ham. Another PS-time for a haircut, buddy! |
So, then, monkey see, monkey do. She wanted me to take a picture of this. Silly kids. |
UPDATE ON GRUMPS, Dad, Bob, Luke, Nart, Robert: He is beginning his last 2 week round of pills this week. All his blood counts are awesome. Once completed, he'll get his port flushed, and then he'll have his CT scan on April 8th. He'll get it read on April 10th. That's the day we need your prayers! Obviously we are optimistic and hope to hear the best. Moving forward, assuming all is clear, he'll have scans every 3 months for a year, then colonoscopies every 3rd year following. Thanks for all of your thoughts, prayers, and support during this time. It's been hard and long on all of us, most of all my dad. He's ready for some "real" competition on the basketball and tennis courts. Any takers? HA!
The kids are doing awesome in "school." They are learning to follow directions much better, share, and get along. Not to mention, the flashcards we do with them before bed, they do really well with. Payton is doing flashcards for 5 & 6 year old level, and Griffin is doing the 3 & 4 year old level. They are really smart. Yet really hard-headed. Seriously. I don't know where they get that trait! ;) They are outgrowing all of their clothes and shoes quickly. I seriously think Payton may tower me by the time she's 10, at this rate. We've managed, thus far, to have a illness-free winter, which is a blessing compared to last winter. I didn't get flu shots for the kids this year, and I'm not saying it's related or not, but other than a little cold in December, neither kid has so much as had a sniffly nose! Knock, knocking, knocking on wood. After my Snowshoe trip...BRING ON SPRING! I'm ready for bathing suits, tan bodies, porch wine, and sunshine!
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