(Sorry this one is SO long! I haven't had the time to keep up with all of our adventures...thank you for reading, and more to come :)
September was gloomy. Really gloomy. The kind of cloudy, cool days that make me think I would never want to live in Seattle. Mood-changers. My tan has faded...fast. The water is getting cold. School has started. The leaves are changing. The smell of bonfires fill the air. Football fans are yelling (some nice words...others, me included, yelling not so nice things). I guess, as much as I'm not ready for it, fall really is here. (Since it's taken me so long to get this posted, I can say THANK YOU to Mother Nature for making up for September's crappy weather. October has felt more like August. It's been gorgeous!!!)
Since I've fallen behind on all our adventures, this post will be a hodge-podge of pictures from various events. Let's start with the first day of school for the kids...They began this school year, again at Sardis Presbyterian, the week after Labor Day. Both going 4 days (M-Th). Griffin wasn't a happy camper that first week, but has been back to his happy self ever since.
For reference, if you are interested, here is a link to the post about their first day of pre-school last year. You can see how much they've grown and changed!
First Day of School 2013-2014
**AND, gulp, on October 7th, I registered Payton for kindergarten! Kindergarten!!! OMG!
Payton at 4 1/2...
-can read some sight words and spell a few
-knows vowels vs. consonants, and that the letter "y" can be either
-knows very basic addition and subtraction
-handwriting and coloring are getting very good.
-she can sound out words and tell you what a word begins and ends with (we are still working on the middle part!)
-loves to sing songs, play dress-up, anything princess, painting, and exploring the outdoors (making secret forts)
-cares a lot about her friends, and loves spending time with them
-has a definite interest in photography (guessing because I always have a camera shoved in her face!)
-Says she wants to be a pediatrician when she grows up...correction, now she says "dentist"
-She told me "once I'm out of college, and turn 41, I'll have a job, like you mommy." Haha. Hope you get a job before that, Sweet P!
-She wears size 6 clothes, and 13 shoes (for those of you without kids, that's the size of a normal 6 year old). Almost 50 pounds, and is 46 inches tall. That's almost 4 feet, folks.
Griffin at 3...
-counts to 100
-loves to read books. will sit in his room, alone, and "read" them for a while.
-LOVES dinosaurs. and Transformers (more than meets the eye!)
-knows simple addition and subtraction. recognizes all his letters, and numbers to 20 (and maybe higher)
-likes to build things (I need to start getting him some Legos!)
-is the most sensitive and caring little boy I've ever been around. loves his family, friends, animals, especially mommy and daddy.
-I think he may be a baseball player...although he really likes kicking and throwing his new Panthers football. Yes, I bought it for him at the Bears at Panthers game.
-likes riding his bike and skateboard, although he still mostly rides his board on his belly.
-still sucks his index finger (and it has a callous on it, where his teeth hit. yuck!)
-is potty-trained, but still, on occasion, likes to hide and poo. i always thought it was hide and seek.
-he's our "little" guy, wearing mostly size 3T clothes, and a size 9 shoe. He weighs around 34 pounds, and is around 40 inches.
-recently he swallowed some juice. He started coughing, and coughing, and eyes watering. I asked if it went down the wrong way. After he the coughing stopped, he said "mommy, the juice went down the wrong way!" I asked him where it went...he held out his left arm, and put up his thumb. He said, "it went down to this thumb!" He's super funny.
Payton with the twins, Sierra and Chloe |
One of Payton's teachers, Ms. Szabo...she was asking me for help on the computer, and Miss Priss immediately hopped over to give her expertise. Truth be told, she could probably figure it out before both of us! |
Griffin, with the twins, Charlie and Reese |
Newest obsession: Dinosaurs...and can tell you ALL about each one |
Griffin with one of his teachers (Payton's former teacher) Ms. Paige |
His other teacher, Ms. "M" |
Payton and Pav...one day they will rule the world, lol. |
Tolley, Griffin, Payton, and Pav...all BFF's |
Sierra, Allison, Payton, and "sister" Chloe |
And Soccer Shots has begun. Both kids are loving it, and on the same "team." Griffin is a little better listener and follows directions a little better than Payton, but she's improving. They are both very athletic, and competitive (apple doesn't fall very far!) Their ball control when dribbling is much better than just in the spring.
I've still been getting several days on the water, wakeboarding and surfing. I even entered an INT wakeboard AND wakesurf contest!! I finished 3rd place in each event. Pretty awesome. Well, I pretty much sucked on the wakeboard comp part, but did actually really well in the wakesurf part. Here are pics of my days on the water...
Two little blondes are sisters...both entered the wakeboard and wakeskate comp. Finished 1st and 2nd. They are 6 and 7 years old! SO adorable. I can see our family Saturdays looking a lot like this one. |
With my friend, Evan. He and I were the only Lake Wylie people who entered. |
The only wakeboarding pics of me (before I fell...:( ) |
Mike Wong, Sydney, Kevin, Katie, and Tripp...our cheerleaders |
3rd place wakesurf! (skim board style series) |
Evan got second in the surfboard style series... |
3rd in wakeboarding |
My buds...Amanda and Mike...their co-birthday celebration! |
My friend Brittney wakesurfing |
My buddy Kevin upside down |
My friend, Justin, surfing |
And the picture didn't even do this justice. Beautiful sunsets on my lake! |
My sweet friend, Katie! |
Capt'n Justin... |
Griffin decided to help me bake some banana bread. I like his style ("safety first!") He would NOT take the helmet off!
I love the light dancing across my sweet lovebug's peaceful face |
Nana and Granddude came into keep the kids one Friday...they took them to the Nature Preserve at McDowell Park...Payton participated. Griffin did not! |
If you know Brian and me, at all, you know we LOVED the TV series, "24." Jack Bauer could be my all-time favorite "hero." Anyway, Jack's sidekick, assistant, kick-ass computer nerd, Chloe O'Brien, came to Charlotte! Turns out, the actress, Mary Lynn Rajskub, is a stand-up comedian! Brian, and some friends, went to the Comedy Zone to see her stand-up. I was totally jealous. He even got to meet her! He said she was actually funny :)
I took the kids to the park one afternoon, for lunch, skating, and playing. It was a gorgeous fall day, and there was no one around...with the exception of some unwanted bees!
We had to vacate the picnic area and hide, from the bees, in here! |
Safety first! |
I took the kids out on the lake with some friends one afternoon. My old neighbor and friend, Billy, joined us. It has been years since I've seen him. He used to be ranked #1 in the world for knee-boarding and on the "hydrofoil." The first time Payton saw him jump (about 20 feet in the air) and do a flip, her jaw dropped. He really is quite fun to watch.
G never misses an opportunity to pee in the lake! |
There's nothing like a nice boat nap! |
Face Painting from the TBone's Lake Wylie Children's Charity Function. Fun lake day, ending with fun at TBones... |
They were dressed and ready for their school pictures...but it was raining, so they were rescheduled :( |
Wakeboard/Surf session...with Hannah, Niki, and Barbie |
Doubles! |
God provides another beautiful ending to a fun day. |
HAIRCUT TIME! Bye bye surfer boy...see you in the spring! |
Even Sweet P got a haircut. Well, trim. Her 3rd time EVER getting it cut. Her hair grows slower than I've ever seen anyones! |
As always, we took the kids, and met friends, at Waldhorn Restaurant's "Oktoberfest." Eating, drinking, dancing, and playing. We all had a blast. My friends, Mike and Jen came, with Jen's girls. My friend Ashley, her brother Brian, and her boyfriend, JC, came with their parents, who were visiting from Chicago. It was another gorgeous night!
Just 4 and already flirting with the boys... |
Break dancing |
Brian's arm was dinner! |
Ashley made these guy's night! |
This was the only "internet-friendly" picture I could post of this incident...Griffin was over playing football with some older kids. He decided he had to pee, dropped trou, and went right then and there. Audience and all. Then came running towards us with his pants around his ankles to get help pulling everything back up. QUITE a moment for Brian, me, and EVERY OTHER parent around us. We were all cracking up. I, of course, ran for the camera. |
Payton and Kimber |
Carleigh, Payton, and Kimber |
Kids hanging on the hill |
Jen throwing down the moves with Kimber and Payton |
Mike, Jen, Carleigh, Kimber (and Cootie Guy photobombing) |
Happy Oktoberfest! |
Someone was ready for bed! |
Then, more lake days...every time I think "summer" is over, we are blessed with more beautiful days. We've had lots and lots of fun on the lake this summer. I was
thisclose to getting Payton to surf with me...then she said the water was too cold. (Notice, later in the day, who was swimming around in that cold water. Well played, Payton. Well, played).
My buds...Mike Wong, Brittney, Niki, Katie, and Kev |
Niki with her mom...her second time surfing. She did awesome! MOM, when are you surfing doubles with ME? :) |
Watching mommy surf... |
Look, Mom! It's not cold...at all! (Well, maybe a little). |
Now she's just antagonizing me! |
I just happened to look over and he was doing this. Boys. |
Hut-Hut-Hut...TACKLE! |
Awesome way to end the week. Awesome friends. Kevin, Katie, Sweet P, Me, Niki, Justin, Krissy, Evan, and Sydney |
Playing chase with Evan (who is just a big kid anyway) |
Bundled up for the boat ride home |
Amazing capture of the blood moon taken by a photographer friend of mine. |
Saturday was Wylie's Wicked Wakefest. It was a competition and exhibition for some of the best wakeboarders in the world! It was a gorgeous day. Brian took the kids to Lowes for their weekly art project (this time it was a spooky Halloween house), and then to see Planes 2: Fire and Resue (for the second time). I went to the contest with friends. It.Was.Awesome. They were also having a Halloween costume contest. Some of the riders were dressed up. Katie, Whitney, and I were Thing 1, 2, and 3. Kevin was Cat in the Hat, and Tripp was Sam I Am. The girls (us) won the costume contest!! $250. Wow! Not a bad day of "work." And to top it off, I, Momma Leigh....did the WORM to win a sweatshirt. Yep, right there in front of everyone. It was a fun day indeed! Then we did a little wakeboarding and surfing on the way back. 87 degrees and sunny. October 11th. Incredible.
The contest was at Lee and Amanda's house.. |
Matt representing "CSB!" (Charlotte Ski Boats) |
Lee with the Abominable Snowman (or something like that) |
Most of our group...plus Rusty Malinoski (one of the top wakeboarders in the world) who photobombed us, and the MC of the day. |
We partied on that huge houseboat all day. Thanks, Lisa, for the hospitality! |
Then there was me...showing my skills. In my tutu. haha. |
My good friend, She-She, offered Brian and me tickets to the Bears at Panthers game. I was a little surprised when Brian said he would rather watch it on TV, so Griffin and I went. He had a blast!
We made it well into the 4th quarter, but the little man was asleep before we got out of the parking lot. We had a great mommy-son day! |
Getting ready to take my munchkins to SCarowinds!!!! |
He is such a ray of light. |
Poor baby...he was running from the bathroom into his room, turned the corner, slipped, and rammed his head right into the french door. |
Having fun at Spirit Halloween store |
He put almost all of this puzzle together with very little help! |
Cuddle time with Callie! |
Her attempt at putting on make up. |
Playtime with Mommy's Halloween wig...wait. Who is who? |
My friend, Julie, and I took the kids to Scarowinds last weekend. They had a blast. No naps (we have been trying to cut out their weekend naps), and all smiles. Neither of our kids seem to be scared of ghosts and goblins.
Marley (5.5) and Payton (4.5)...best of friends |
Hands aren't down any more, huh, girls? Love this! |
Griffin's first time on the Pirate Ride |
October 13th was Brian's 35th birthday! (Wow! He's getting UP there, haha!) We kept it low key, as Brian doesn't get home on Mondays until almost bedtime for the little monsters. We had cake and ice cream. The following night, our friends Ashley and John came over for dinner, drinks, and celebration...and Thursday evening, my parents took us out for Brian's birthday dinner. So, as always, we are celebrating the birthday WEEK :)
Excuse the pajamas...Daddy doesn't get home until 7:15ish on Mondays and Wednesdays. He's taking a graduate class at UNCC. So, although everyone was dressed and ready for bed, we had cake and ice cream :) |
My parents took us out for Brian's birthday celebration on Thursday night. He picked an Italian place, kind of in between our houses. With traffic, and the restaurant being busy, we ended up there for 2.5 hours. The kids behaved wonderfully!! We were so proud!
Payton took this picture. |

The kids had a dental appointment on Thursday. They both really like the dentist now. Payton runs in and immediately puts on her little "bib." They each get to pick out a toothbrush (last time P picked a princess one. This time...a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one!?! And G, well he got a "Cars" one last time. This time..."Transformers!" More than meets the eye...which he sings every time he says "Transformers.") Griffin had xrays, for the first time, and they turned out perfect...as perfect as his teeth are. Payton, on the other hand, has 1 cavity and 2 spots (all on her molars) that they are watching. She has multiple chipped teeth, hyperplasia, and just flat out bad teeth. I'm not sure where she got them, as Brian nor I have had cavities. I can only hope that her permanent teeth are WAY better than her baby teeth. Poor thing...we go get the filling on October 30th, where she will be given laughing gas. Brian's first response to that was for us to film her and hope for silliness :) She ended up walking out of there with medical gloves, a mask, toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, a toy, and a dental mirror. She now, of course, wants to be a dentist.

I think her legs could quite possibly be longer than mine. Seriously. |

Over this past weekend, we went to Kernersville, NC to visit some friends, The Holberts. We met Katie and Todd a couple of summers ago, at a Beech Mountain Beer Festival. We ran the downhill, beer-drinking, 5K together, and bonded talking about our kids. They were able to meet Payton and Griffin that day. They came to visit us over the 4th of July, and then invited us to their gorgeous house. Their girls, Kinley (who will be 4 on Saturday), and Leela (2), are some of the sweetest girls we've ever met. Leela has never met a stranger. I got in some good cuddle time with those two! Their neighbors, Matt and Stephanie, have a little boy, Braden, who is 6. Payton and Braden bonded, and Braden, who has an 11 year old sister, was happy to play with Griffin. He's always inundated with girls! Todd is an incredible chef, and we ate well over the weekend. They took us to a pumpkin patch/hay ride and to the Wake Forest/Syracuse game. Friends came over for dinner and a bonfire Saturday night. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and I managed to get a "few" awesome pictures. We can't wait to host the Holberts up in the mountains this winter, and get their kids on the snow!
Some funny signs we saw along the way... |
They sell t-shirts, in case you were wondering ;) |
Kids checking out the mysterious, spooky smoke |
In case you were wondering, why, YES, that electric fence is on!!!! Don't worry, no kids were harmed in finding out. Let's just say I was WIDE awake for a few. |
Sweet Kinley |
Griffin (3), Payton (4.5), Leela (2), and Kinley (4) |
Todd, Katie, Leela, Griffin, Me, Kinley, and Payton |
Children of the Corn |
So this tractor driver drops us all off at a sign that says "start." He doesn't say a word, and drives off. There we were. Corn maze, 4 kids, hungry and thirsty. Thankfully a little boy found (okay, made) a short-cut back to the barn. Whew. The other part of the group showed up almost 30 minutes later!! |
Once Griffin picked out his pumpkin, he never put it down. For anything. I think he would have slept with it if we had let him. |
G's first taste of Nehi... |
Payton loved the orange! Grump's favorite flavor is peach, but they only had grape and orange. |
Ring Around the Rosie |
Braden (6) and Griffin (3)...they look like they could be brothers |
Leela and Griffin (a sick Kinley burrito in the background) |
We went to tailgate, and watch, the Wake Forest/Syracuse game, on Saturday. Perfect day. Sunny, 68 degrees. 45 yard line seats. Kids behaved. Kinley was getting sick, poor girl, and she just slept on her daddy's lap most of the game. Other than that, it was a great day!
Playing washers |
Katie and Todd...our most awesome hosts! |
Demon Deacons...for the day ONLY :) |
Katie and Me |
My best Demon Deacon impression (as my dad pointed out, my left heel should have been lifted...thanks, dad ;) And I guess my mouth should have been pinched to the other side. Okay, I have work to do! |
We, well the kids and I, like this sight a little better: (Grumps and Granby went to a Carolina game)
Go Tarheels! |
Within 5 minutes of leaving..... |
This was their only naps of the entire weekend! |
Payton "babysitting" Leela |
Growing up so quickly |
The evenings were gorgeous |
We found a soybean field close by |
Braden (6) and Payton (4.5)...and yes, they are the same size |
Shoes left at the bouncy bounce, and dirt, well it was left on their socks! |
Already chasing the boys! |
I love how he scores 2, watches to make sure it goes in, and walks away. Like, yea. I got this. |
And my most favorite picture of the weekend is this one...I may even have to get this on canvas!
Okay, so to finish up the longest blog in the history of blogs....here are a few shots of the pretty little lady this morning, before school. I hope you've had a wonderful fall, so far. We have lots of spooky Halloween fun coming up! Christmas will be here before we know it. Ugh...I guess I need to start shopping!
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