Hopefully I can keep this post short(er) and sweet(er)! Thanksgiving has come and gone just like that, and we're onto Elfie, present buying, tree decorating, and Christmas festivities. Halloween to New Years flies for me each year, and each year it goes more quickly.
When our extended "family" all arrived in town Wednesday, we met up at Sky Zone to jump around like monkeys. Most of the adults ended up taking turns too. This place is serious fun!
Caroline and Kate...hanging around. |
Big T(homas) and G bouncing around |
Lauren, Julia, Thomas, and Caroline |
Whitt going in for the dunk |
Griffin, being a little more vertically challenged, also going in for the dunk |
Get it, Michael Jordan-Tisdale! |
I caught Thomas helping his little sissy out of the foam pit. SO cute! |
Jon getting in on the fun. We couldn't let the kids have ALL of the fun! |
Sam climbing the walls |
Here they are in a "hurricane" simulator...
On Thanksgiving morning, Brian dropped the kids and me off and we met up with the Tisdale/Kilchenstein crew, for the Turkey Trot race at Southpark. Every year previously, they have run the 1 mile fun run. This year, we attempted the 5K. I think Payton rode in the stroller more than she ran, but Griffin ran almost the entire race! A big thanks to Whitt for that motivation. Daddy was at the finish line to catch some pictures and watch the big finish. And also a big thanks to Kevin, who pushed the double Bob for the last half of the race. Weaving through all those walkers (had to start in the back because of the stroller), dodging sidewalks and drains, and trying to keep up with 2 pre-teenagers isn't easy! And yet another thanks to Andy Dulin for the mimosa stop on the way. That was an awesome surprise :)
Griffin, Whitt, and Payton |
Acting like a bunch of turkeys at the start line... |
And here we gooooo....G kept insisting on holding Whitt's hand. It was very cute, and Whitt was a very good sport :) |
This may be the only time Griffin "beats" Amy in a race! |
And those long legs take her to the finish line! |
Come on. How stinking cute is this? Seriously. |
Amy, Me, Kevin |
They earned their medals and were so proud of them! |
Later that afternoon, the Tophams, McNeills, Tisdales, Kilchensteins, Stalevskis, Longs, and Kuglers all met up at Missy and Jon's clubhouse, each bringing dishes to share. We had quite the feast, as usual, and everyone had a good time playing. Everyone, that is, until Brian landed on the side of his ankle throwing the football with Whitt. He heard it pop out. Then back in. :o Not good. Long story short, he didn't break anything, but did have a severe sprain. He's in a walking boot for 6, or so, weeks, then an ankle brace for longer. Ouch. Brian doesn't complain much, but I could tell he was really in pain with this one. Well, see for yourself...
It eventually turned black and blue, but he's getting around much better now! |
Stevan and Jilly with their precious new bundle of blue-eyed cuteness, Mila |
So, Kerry asked me to go shopping with her ON THANKSGIVING EVENING. And I did! Yes, I went shopping with all the other crazy people. We had fun and got lots of presents knocked out...and even did a little shopping for ourselves! Afterwards, JP and I went to Moosehead for a couple of Thanksgiving beers...on my way home, I even stopped at the new outlet mall, which was open for 24 hours. Crazy. Yes. I am. (But not in the "crazy-crazy" way of some people I know! ;o) This was the first year in 10 years that we stayed in town over Thanksgiving (Brian's parents were in Colorado visiting Granddude and Virginia). So I took advantage of getting as much done as possible! Griffin and I even managed to get a tree and get it decorated while Daddy was laid up with ice on his ankle. (Thanks for the help, John!)
JP doesn't really "do" pictures, so this was the best I got. |
The rest of the weekend, and weeks to come, were busy. Busy making sure Brian was okay and had what he needed. Busy getting the kids taken care of. Busy running errands. Cleaning. Decorating. And well deserved hanging with the friends...we also celebrated Callie's 6th birthday on December 2nd.
A very blurry pic of Justin, Me, Kevin, Morgan, Evan, Brandon at the Patriot Opening |
Lisa, Brandon, Evan, and Me |
Muscles! |
At Bulldogs with Jess, Andy, Brian (aka-cootie guy), and me |
Payton and I were invited to go to have breakfast with Santa with a group of girls. I invited Julie, and the girls. We had a blast, and naturally, we ended up at American Girl. Well, DUH!?!
Reese, Julie, Me, Marley, and Payton...at Maggiano's |
This time, Payton was "scared" of Santa, so she chose to sit on Mrs. Claus' lap. Plus she had a basket of candy canes beside her. |
Marley (Reese wouldn't go anywhere near this room, much less sit on anyone's lap!) |
Mar and Payton...the best of friends |
Marley could be a Matilda Jane model, I swear. She's so gorgeous! |
Reese, cutie patootie! |
MAJOR bribing (American Girl store) to get this blurry shot! MAJOR. |
Nana and Granddude came back into town to spend time with the kiddos. The past two times they have taken Payton and Griffin uptown via the light rail (which the kids LOVE and each time I mention doing anything "uptown," they both get uber excited and ask if we are going on the train). So naturally, this was what was expected of them this time. However, they ended up going to the Rock Hill Children's Museum, which the kids love equally. They had a blast dressing up, playing with trains, reading books, and learning. Nana and Granddude also took us all out to Terrace Cafe for my early birthday dinner. Thanks, so much, for coming to visit and taking our wild bunch to dinner. It was delish!
Yep, still in pajamas. That's how he rolls. |
We even sneaked over to Taco Mac for a beer while the kids played in the game room :) |
Family "selfie" |
One of my closest and dearest friends in the world, Julie, and I never get to spend enough time together. I grew up with her, we went to college together for a while, and we've had children "together." Our lives are busy, to say the least. Her birthday is in November, and mine December, so we try to put some time aside to celebrate each year. That night was last Thursday. We had an AWESOME, much needed evening out together, no kids. We literally could talk with each other for a week without coming up for air. She's one of those people with whom I can pick up right where we left off, and never miss a beat. We met up at Soul Gastrolounge (YUM) and then went out in NoDa, to sample some local beers. We also met up with my dear friends, Scott and Joey. It was a very fun night! I love you, Jules!
With Joey |
With Scott (Dad and Scott's dad were best friends & frat brothers at Chapel Hill...I've known Scott for a long time!) And, safety first, Scott. Safety first. haha. |
My good friend, Kevin, threw a party for his parent's 40th wedding anniversary and his sister's birthday. It was a great time!
My sweet friend, Katie, who bought these awesome festive wine glasses for us :) |
And, here are most of the pictures I took, trying to get some for our Christmas card. The kids were actually pretty good sports this year, with the exception of Griffin and our visit with Santa. Enjoy :)
When given the option between this "serious" picture and the smiling one below, he chooses this one. |
Griffin wasn't so sure about this large creature. Payton, taking after mommy, loved him! |
After a while, they started getting delirious. And quite hilarious! |
Payton had about enough....I love how concerned her little brother is. They are the best of friends, and show it, often, by arguing, taking toys from one another, and screaming. Can you feel the love? haha. Really, they do kiss and hug every day. |
Griffin was SO excited to go see Santa. He had been rattling off his list of "I want" for two weeks. He ran around the corner, and as soon as he saw Santa....he kept running. The other way :( We MADE him take this picture, through his tears. Santa and I both fought to get his hands out of the way, but he's strong. Santa told me this was the first time he has ever had a picture taken with "no face" showing. 3 years in a row now...tears. He did say he would sit on Mrs. Claus' lap. I still don't believe it. |
We love to take the kids to whatever festive events are happening in our local area. The Spooktacular at Morrison is a favorite. Our friend, Bryan Paschal, runs/owns a promotional company, and coordinates and hosts most of these events. We like to go out and support him. This Christmas one was at Phillips Place. It had to be moved indoors due to rain. I think all of Griffin's negativity toward sitting on Santa's lap has rubbed off on Payton. She sat on Mrs. Claus' lap, but wouldn't go near Santa (again). G wouldn't have anything to do with either of them. Too funny.
Me, Santa, Bryan |
Such a sweet Mrs. Claus! |
Before I "let" you go, Griffin gets funnier every day. I swear that kid cracks us up with the things he says. Recently, I gave the kids some peppermint ice cream. They both crushed it, quickly. I walk over to see how they are liking it to find them just about licking the bowls clean. I say to Griffin something along the lines of, oh. You really liked that. You don't normally like ice cream. His reply? "Yep. But only on Mondays and Wednesdays." And yes, it was a Monday :)
Well, that just about gets me caught up...it's time for the birthday week-long shenanigans to begin! Before you know it, Santa will be squeezing his pretty little bearded self down the chimney, then I'm off to do some riding in the white stuff. Happy happy! Joy joy! I hope you all have a wonderfully blessed holiday season with your loved ones! See you next year! xoxo
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