Okay, so here it is....the big tank. Big baby incubator, and it's growing leaps and bounds, week after week. My back seems to be hanging in there, and my most frequent complaint is about my hands....my fingers are somewhat swollen, and tingly all the time. It's hard to type, write, shower...well, do just about anything that involves using your hands. Hopefully after delivery, all will go back to normal, and if this is my only complaint, I consider myself pretty lucky!!
I went to the doctor's office on Monday, January 11th, for my Rhogam shot. For those who have no idea what this is, the best way I can describe it is.....you get a shot in your hip if you are Rh negative, and your husband is positive. Basically, Brian and I have opposite blood types, so if the baby inherits his bloodtype, or a positive bloodtype, and our blood was mixed during delivery, my body would form antibodies to that "positive" and would fight off my next pregnancy like a sickness....so the shot makes all that better :)
Baby K continues to grow stronger and stronger, as witnessed by my belly moving around like there is an alien in there. It's so cool just to pull my shirt up and watch my belly move around. I'm to the point now that I can pick out body parts. As of the last ultrasound, the baby's head was down, and sunny side up.
Our next appointment is on Tuesday, January 19th, for yet another ultrasound. At this point in my pregnancy, they'll have me come in every two weeks for check ups, until week 36, which will begin my once a week check ups. I'm glad the office is just down the street from my office!! I plan on working until week 39, if I make it that far....since I'm measuring ahead, I can't decide if I'll be early or ontime. I guess the little booger will come when he/she wants!! And we couldn't be more excited to meet Baby K!!!
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