We made our last trip up to Sugar Mountain this past weekend....last trip as just a married couple. The next trip we take will probably be this summer, and with child in tow. It's hard to believe. With each passing week, the reality of the imminent "babydom" is upon us. My carpal tunnel continues to aggravate me to no end, and my back seems to get a little more painful each night. BUT, I'm doing well other than that. We received close to a foot of snow in the mountains over the weekend, and I decided to do my 31 week belly shots outdoors, with less on than most probably should see. I have strategically cropped the pics so I won't offend anyone, or hurt their eyes ;) Our friends from Raleigh, Christy and Geoff went up with us. It was EXTREMELY hard to watch the boys leave for the slopes. I very much would have liked to be out on there shredding it up. Maybe next winter?
We have our next appointment on Thursday, February 4th. We're getting a non-stress test, ultrasound, and meet with the OB doc. The non-stress test will measure the baby's heart rate at rest and then when active. This is all being done to make sure, again, that everything is going okay in there with the lack of amniotic fluid I have. We are feeling Baby K move around a lot, and try to figure out what part of his/her body is sticking out of my belly! The baby is getting so big! Enjoy the pics!
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