Monday, March 29, 2010
Still counting....don't know how much higher I can go!!
Well, I wish I had something to type. Anything different than has already been said...but alas, I don't :( The doctor almost had me in tears during and after my pelvic exam. I can't say it was the most comfortable thing ever! So, NO dilation or any signs this child is ready to vacate my body. My cervix is still really high, whatever that means. My blood pressure was 128/88, so now my lower number is getting higher. I was told to quit working and lie on the couch all day. HA! Yea, right! So, as usual, I'm to go to work, come home, lie on the couch, and boss my husband around ;) Just kidding. He's being such a huge help through all of this. He has lived with me and knows first hand how uncomfortable I am. The baby's heart rate was only 126. He must have been napping. So, I go back in on Thursday for another blood pressure check and our ELEVENTH ultrasound!!! They are stil monitoring my fluid levels. Sure hope our insurance is covering all these!!! I'm learning this pain and anguish is just a way of life for me now, and complaining about it gets me nowhere. So, for now, I'll sit back, enjoy the AWESOME weather that's on the way, and pretend I have a glass of a fabulous red wine in hand :)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
39 Weeks and Counting!

Well, we missed the Cooper River Bridge Run for the first time in 7 was hard, as all our friends were there....but there's always next year (unless I'm pregnant again ;) In the past week, I've done some nesting, put Brian to work on last minute house projects, and watched my blood pressure rise even more. I took my bp yesterday at the Harris Teeter (not sure how accurate, but can't be too far off)...143/80?ish. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon, so I plan on asking them, again, if we can schedule an induction. I really want this baby to pick his/her own birthday, BUT I do not want to go past our due date. I've been in pretty good spirits this weekend, but very tired, and feeling weird because of the rise in blood pressure. We waiver back and forth about being excited and scared to death....but all and all, we are very ready. Brian even packed his bags tonight. So here I am, all swollen, puffy-faced, and FULL of Baby K. This next week is supposed to be beautiful, warm, and perfect "bringing new baby home" weather. Maybe by Easter we'll be parents??? :)
Monday, March 22, 2010
38 Week Doctor Appointment
Well, the appointment didn't go quite the way I expected :( Starting out with my blood pressure spiking this week...130/80. They asked if I am feeling the baby moving a lot still and I said not really. They did an NST (non-stress test) and the baby passed. It just makes sure the heart rate is okay and that the baby reacts to outside stimulus. Then I saw Dr. Taylor, with BIG hopes of getting my membranes scraped. Well, you have to be dilated in order for this to happen, and guess what? I'm not dilated at all. Ugh. So frustrating. This little booger has no desire to come out and meet us, as he/she is very comfy in there for the time being. I was told they won't discuss inducing until 41 weeks, so I'm hoping, praying, and crossing my fingers AND toes that I show some progress at my next appointment on Monday. Until then, I'll be trying to get some walks in and just relax. This one's out of my hands!
38 Week Belly Shots

Well, there hopefully won't be many more weekly belly shots....and don't expect to see any "post-baby belly shots" anytime soon!! I have LOTS of work to do, and right here with nice boating, bathing suit weather on the way! I'm sure I'll have a lot more occupying my time than worrying about that, BUT it would be nice to feel good again. I can't wait to get out with Baby K and give the jogging stroller a good workout!
I actually lost a few pounds over the weekend, and if you had seen what all I ate, you wouldn't believe there was a way to lose weight! Our neighbors, Dan and Brit, cooked us some wonderful meals, and Missy and Jon had us over for dinner Saturday night. Jon redeemed himself from the last grilling "fiasco" when we had to scrape the black char off corn on the cob ;) We love you Jon!! :)
Saturday morning, Brian and I babysat for Madison. We took her, and the dogs, on a long walk. I could see the bones in my feet again!! I had hardly any swelling. Sunday, we did the same thing and went for about an hour walk. Again, my feet were almost back to normal. It's good to know once all this fluid leaves my body, that I can be back to "normal" again....good riddance!
Today I have my 38 week check up and pelvic exam. I'm meeting with Dr. Taylor this afternoon, and I will ask him to "strip my membranes." From what I understand, this process will separate the cervix from the amniotic sac and should help me start having some stronger contractions. Also, I've heard it's not real comfortable :( We'll see.......I'll post the news, progress, or lack thereof later.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
37 Week Ultrasound
Well, we had our 10th, and final ultrasound today. The ultrasound tech had a hard time even getting to the baby's head to measure, since it's dropped so far into my pelvis. No surprise, but no good picture yet again. I think it's safe to say this child is out of room, and fully "cooked." The ultrasound is estimating the weight to be 8 pounds, 1 ounce, although Dr. Taylor says he thinks it's more like 7 1/2 pounds or so. The head is measuring 40 weeks along, and the legs are at 39 weeks. My fluid levels are the lowest they've been yet, at 8.4 cm. The last low was 9.6cm, then it raised up to 13.4cm. They won't "do anything about it" until either the baby is in distress, quits growing, or stops moving. Dr. Taylor says he sees no reason to do anything at this point, and told us to be patient. HA! (Dangerous levels aren't until they are under 5cm). My blood pressure was again low, to my surprise since my cankles just look like my calves growing straight into my feet (swelling often is a side effect of high blood pressure). Mine was 108/64...perfectly normal. The baby's heart rate was up some, at 153 bpm. My next appointment is on Monday, and I'll have another pelvic exam where they'll check for dilation. OH, one last note, you can all put an old wive's tale to rest....supposedly babies with lots of hair give mom heartburn. Well, here I sit, never having an episode of heartburn in my life, and Baby K has about 1 inch of hair on that big head of his/hers. :) Wonder what color it is??????
Monday, March 15, 2010
37 Week BIG Belly Pics

I'm a little late taking these, but you get the idea. Just growing away....With all the warm, sunny weather we've been having, I cannot WAIT to get outside and run! I hope I remember how. My mind is saying run, walk, get outside and play. My body is saying, NO WAY! Today is probably the worse day I've had yet. The numbness and tingling in my fingers is such that I can't hardly type (can't feel the keys), can't separate pages of paper, I can't tell dry from damp, and my wrist hurts so badly that I can't write...not to mention the sciatic nerve pain in my lower back and down my left leg makes it very hard to walk. I was blessed with 2.5 days over the weekend, however, that were really good days. My back didn't really hurt, and my hands and fingers felt okay. My Braxton Hicks contractions have become more regular, so hopefully they are serving some purpose. We have another ultrasound tomorrow, then meet with Dr. Taylor. I'm estimating the baby's weight to be around 8 pounds now, and Brian guesses 7 lbs, 7 oz.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

36 Week Check Up
I went in to see MY doctor, Dr. Lucas, this morning. There are so many docs in rotation, you rarely get to see your own doctor. I got my Strep B test done, and he did a pelvic exam. My cervix is softened and I'm thinning some...but no dilation. I go back on Tuesday for ANOTHER ultrasound ;) #10, to be exact. I'll see Dr. Taylor and he'll check the fluid levels and head size. IF the head is more than 10 cm, then pretty much, it's not going to fit through the birth canal. IF this is the situation, unfortunately I'll end up having a C-Section :( BUT, that would also mean it will be scheduled, and we'll be doing what's best, ultimately, for both me and the baby. Probably would happen the last weekend in March, so it's REALLY getting close now!! The nursery is all finished, and we've gotten most of our necessities....just a waiting game at this point. My blood pressure was fine-110/68, which was a relief since I've been swelling so much. The baby's heartbeat was around 135. I'm still feeling pretty strongly that this is a boy, and sounds like it won't be much longer until we know!! And, if I hear ONE MORE person comment on the size of my belly, I think I may start throwing punches....even the lady scheduling my next appointment asked if there were two in there. REALLY? Ugh....Makes me not want to be in public for the next 2-3 weeks. Oh, wait! I could just tell the baby to stop growing ;) The good news is, a lot of my weight is water weight, and will drop off soon after giving birth, so I'll start feeling a lot better almost immediately. I can't wait!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Bisexual Baby Shower
Here's a video shot and edited by DR. Rob Cynowa, the best Chiropractor in town!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
36 Weeks and Getting Closer!

We had a fabulous weekend! This was the THIRD beautiful weekend in a row we've had in Charlotte this winter, so people were out and about....REALLY made me look forward to being able to run again, and from some of the recent comments about my growing belly, it seems I'm not the only one who thinks I need some immediate exercise :O Friday we went with Cheryl and Jeremy to see "Alice in Wonderland." Cheryl and I both soon realized that we are no longer physically able to sit through anymore movies, until after the births of our children! Swollen, achy, and antsy. Saturday was our final baby shower...our "Couples Shower," or as my dad likes to call them, our "Bisexual Shower." Many of our friends were able to come out and enjoy the beautiful day. This shower was given by Cheryl, Julie, and Celeste, and was perfect! All the guests were able to participate in various games from cornhole, to basketball, to ladder golf, and we received many thoughful and MUCH needed gifts. I've managed to get everything washed and put away, and with the exception of a few minor necessities, we couldn't be more ready to meet our little one!!! So, here is my big belly at 36 weeks. Wednesday I have my weekly check up. This week I'll get routine tested for Strep B, and get my first pelvic exam. If I test positive for being a carrier of Strep B, it just means I'll have to get an antibiotic shot at delivery. I'm not expecting to hear I'm at all dilated yet, but I can be hopeful!! Just a little over 3 weeks to go, nesting has kicked in full gear, and my patience is wearing thin! Come out out and play, Baby K!
Monday, March 1, 2010
35 Week Checkup

This morning I had my 35 week OB checkup with Dr. Taylor. It was short and sweet....the usual, pee in a cup, weight check (again, ugh!), blood pressure, and they checked my iron today by means of a finger prick. I told the nurse to watch out...that my fingers are so swollen that I thought blood could squirt out. She giggled and said that actually happened to her once, and the lady was not pregnant ;) My blood pressure was 116/70, and I've gained another 2 pounds. Went into the examining room, and Dr. Taylor came right in and used the doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was between 135-140, as usual. He asked if we have a name yet, and to that I answered that we don't even know what we're having yet, but yes, we have some ideas :) He measured my uterus, and said I was right on track. I'm still measuring about a week ahead & the baby is growing just fine. I will NOT have another ultrasound as long as I continue to grow and feel the baby moving around. He said at my next appointment, which a week from Wednesday, they will do a routine Strep B test and my first pelvic exam (to see if I'm dialated at all!) I told Dr. Taylor that I have been feeling more and more Braxton Hicks contractions, and he said "Good! Keep that up!" He also said at this point, if I were to go into labor, they wouldn't stop it. Wow. I know this has NOTHING to do with when Baby K decides to vacate my uterus to his/her new home, but that was awesome to hear. WE'RE SO CLOSE! So, weekly appointments from here on....stay tuned for the 36 week update and cross your fingers that something, anything, is happening to show progress towards labor!!
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