I'm a little late taking these, but you get the idea. Just growing away....With all the warm, sunny weather we've been having, I cannot WAIT to get outside and run! I hope I remember how. My mind is saying run, walk, get outside and play. My body is saying, NO WAY! Today is probably the worse day I've had yet. The numbness and tingling in my fingers is such that I can't hardly type (can't feel the keys), can't separate pages of paper, I can't tell dry from damp, and my wrist hurts so badly that I can't write...not to mention the sciatic nerve pain in my lower back and down my left leg makes it very hard to walk. I was blessed with 2.5 days over the weekend, however, that were really good days. My back didn't really hurt, and my hands and fingers felt okay. My Braxton Hicks contractions have become more regular, so hopefully they are serving some purpose. We have another ultrasound tomorrow, then meet with Dr. Taylor. I'm estimating the baby's weight to be around 8 pounds now, and Brian guesses 7 lbs, 7 oz.
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