This morning I had my 35 week OB checkup with Dr. Taylor. It was short and sweet....the usual, pee in a cup, weight check (again, ugh!), blood pressure, and they checked my iron today by means of a finger prick. I told the nurse to watch out...that my fingers are so swollen that I thought blood could squirt out. She giggled and said that actually happened to her once, and the lady was not pregnant ;) My blood pressure was 116/70, and I've gained another 2 pounds. Went into the examining room, and Dr. Taylor came right in and used the doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was between 135-140, as usual. He asked if we have a name yet, and to that I answered that we don't even know what we're having yet, but yes, we have some ideas :) He measured my uterus, and said I was right on track. I'm still measuring about a week ahead & the baby is growing just fine. I will NOT have another ultrasound as long as I continue to grow and feel the baby moving around. He said at my next appointment, which a week from Wednesday, they will do a routine Strep B test and my first pelvic exam (to see if I'm dialated at all!) I told Dr. Taylor that I have been feeling more and more Braxton Hicks contractions, and he said "Good! Keep that up!" He also said at this point, if I were to go into labor, they wouldn't stop it. Wow. I know this has NOTHING to do with when Baby K decides to vacate my uterus to his/her new home, but that was awesome to hear. WE'RE SO CLOSE! So, weekly appointments from here on....stay tuned for the 36 week update and cross your fingers that something, anything, is happening to show progress towards labor!!
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