Summertime is always full for us, and this year is no exception! We try to get Payton in the pool as much as possible, and we are on the lake a lot. As I've said before, this baby loves the boat and water She basically floats on her back with just my hand supporting her head, and she kicks and moves her arms. Last week Brian and I passed her to each other under water, letting her float under water on her own, and she liked it! We have it on video to show one day, when she's an Olympic swimmer and they are showing her past ;) She's so strong...rolling over from belly to back, and she can roll from her back to her side...that darn arm gets in the way of her making it all the way over. She is "talking" more and more, and we just love her little voice!
We went to Raleigh last weekend for Rebecca "Sweeney" Anderson's baby shower, and stayed with Geoff & Christy....I went to college with Geoff, and his wife, Christy, and I became good friends. They are also having a baby (boy), due in September! At the baby shower, people kept asking how old Payton is, and when I replied 11 weeks, they were shocked. They thought she was more like 6 months! She is SO long, alert, and strong. She wouldn't take a nap because she didn't want to miss anything. We tried lying her down on the host's bed, but she wouldn't fall asleep. She kept kicking Elizabeth's baby, Caroline, so we took her out of there, back to the party. You can see Caroline and Payton together on the bed...Caroline is 2 months older than Payton, but Payton is taller and weighs almost as much as Caroline!! It's crazy how much she's grown and developed already. I'm thinking her growing might halt here for just a little while, or she's going to be 6 feet tall!!
We have big 4th of July weekend plans, so stay tuned for the pictures! I can't believe our baby girl is almost 3 months old already....and I'm dreading having to leave her to go back to the office soon. She'll be with Granby, in great hands, but I'll still miss her terribly and probably drive my mom crazy, calling her multiple times per day, asking what she's done that day....
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