Our beautiful baby girl is 3 months old today!! Brian and I were talking about the three long days spent in the hospital before making the decision for a c-section on this night, 3 months ago. It was such an exciting time for us, and now our little newborn baby is such a big girl. She's starting to grab at toys and hands, and starting to put things in her mouth. She's babbling and cooing a lot, and you get an occasional "belly laugh" out of her. She cracks herself up often. She likes to see herself in the mirror (it's starting already!), and she will watch Brian and my every move. She's still only rolling over from belly to back, but doing that with much more ease these days. We are still putting her in the pool, and occasionally the lake, and she just laughs and smiles. For the 4th of July festivities, we started the weekend out at Adrianne's lake house for a cookout, and finished the weekend at Stonie and Chris' lake house. The men bought almost $2000 worth of fireworks, so we had a grand show over the water! There were TONS of people and kids out there, and the dogs....well, let's just say they are STILL worn out! Payton jumped a little with the first several firework explosions, but once she noticed the lights, she loved them! She is sleeping an average of 10 hours IN A ROW at night now, and still taking some decent naps during the day. Her next check up will be at 4 months, so we're excited to see where her height and weight will be on the charts (or off the charts, as it may be!) Payton has been able to "play" with her bff's, Raegan and Madison a lot lately. Check out their size difference in the pictures. It's amazing! As always, enjoy the pictures!!
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