Well, I made it through last week without too many tears. We went on a work trip to Atlanta, as a family, then I started back in the office on Thursday, and Brian is staying home with Miss Payton for the next week. A week from Monday she's off to Granby's. She was a really good girl for her daddy the past couple of days, taking lots of long naps, and behaving herself. Last Wednesday, she was acting fussy, not wanting to eat (that's a first!), so we thought maybe she was teething. She's been fine ever since, so we're not sure what was going on. An upset tummy, perhaps. So, in the last 2 weeks, Payton has learned to roll over from back to belly. As a matter of fact, when we put her in her crib on her back, she IMMEDIATELY rolls to her belly every time. She's a belly sleeper like her parents! Also, I know I've said in the past we've heard some little belly laughs from her, and we have. But today she gave her first, repeated and on purpose, belly laugh. I sat her on the couch and had one of her stuffed doggie toys, where each leg makes a sound like a horn, in front of her. I would say, "he's gonna get you!" and touch her face with him. She laughed so loud and so long. It was very cute. I went outside to get Brian, as he missed yet another "first." She did it again a couple times, and I was able to get still pictures and got it on video. Brian was able to see her do it :)
She is our little sponge, absorbing everything around her. She's talking A LOT, and watches everything we do. She loves looking around outside, and her head never stops turning to see everything around her. One night last week, I had her on the floor with Callie. She reached up to touch Callie, and it cracked her up. We are loving seeing more and more of her personality come out, and can't believe she's developing so quickly! I pulled out some 9 month pjs with footies the other night. Her feet are completely in the bottom of them, and the arm length was right. 3 months old and can fit into 9 month clothes. It's crazy! She's going to be a tall girl, if this keeps up!
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