Such a big girl!!! Payton has come a long way in 5 months. She's completely sitting on her own now, grabbing toys, shaking them, beating us with them, reaching for the dogs and laughing at them, talking a lot, army crawling, doing everything she can to see the TV, eating solid foods, holding her own bottle, and now she's drinking from a sippy cup on her own!! She doesn't sit still...she's very independent and busy all the time, but really loves company. A lot like her mommy! She's making "mmmm, naaaa, oooooh, ahhh, eeeee" sounds, and blowing raspberries. She thought it was really funny to blow them while I was feeding her sweet potatoes one night. I'm just hoping they come out of my shirt! She got a new ball, her first one, and the pelican toy, which is supposed to teach her colors and shapes. As far as that thumb in her mouth goes, she only sucks it when she's tired...otherwise, it's all her OTHER fingers in her mouth all day! HA!
This past Friday night, the Collins came over for dinner. Madi and Payton played, as much as a 5 month old and an 18 month old can play together. Saturday night we met some friends at the Greek Festival, our annual tradition. We had gyros, baklava, Greek wine, and Greek beer. Payton loved people watching, and although we were out past her bedtime, she behaved well and was very happy. Sunday we went to Lincolnton to Jay and Jen's annual "Porkapalooza" party. We watched football and ate pork. Payton had a chance to sport her Pats jersey, which matched Mommy's! She refused her first nap, as she didn't want to miss any of the game. She finally went down around 4pm and took a short nap. Notice the one picture of Payton in her crib, with that foot propped up? She ALWAYS props a foot up, in her high chair seat, her stroller, car, wherever. Well, the first time I went into her room, without the camera, that leg was hanging outside the bars (sticking in between two bars), and wrapped around the outside them. I moved her only because I thought she might wake herself up if she tried to roll over and her leg was stuck....THEN I had the genius thought to get the camera. Oh well.
Tomorrow begins Payton's second week of "school." I can't wait to see how she does. She is such a happy girl. We are very blessed!
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