Payton will be 10 months on February 7th. 10 MONTHS OLD! Where has the time gone? I'm already starting to plan for her FIRST birthday party. It's crazy how time goes faster and faster the older you get, the days get shorter, and the to-do list gets longer...I like staying busy, but I sure wish Payton would stay a baby, just for a bit longer....
In the past month the weather has ranged from COLD, snowy, and icy, to this past weekend where we had 2 sunny days in the upper 60's. It was absolutely gorgeous, so I got some running in, and Payton was able to have some fun in the sun. We went to 2 parks down the street from us (McDowell and Winget) and met up with my friend Jen, and her 14 month old daughter, Aniston. The girls were very cute together in the "little red wagon." We waited our turn for the swings, and although Payton was a little unsure of the swing at first, she was all smiles before long, as Daddy pushed her higher and higher.
Payton is still not walking, which is just fine by me! She's mastered her crawling and walking around furniture, and I'm sure the walking isn't too far into our future. She does stand on her own, but when we try to get her to take steps, she just leans forward, like her feet are glued to the floor. She has learned to do a somersault (with help), backs down off of furniture, understands tons of words now, signals "touchdown" all the time, gives high 5's, "clicks" her tongue, knows where mouth, nose, and belly are, loves to dance and jump, knows how to turn the light switches on and off, turns pages in her books, and on and on. We are so amazed at what a sponge she's become, and we know to watch our words and actions more now than ever!!
We are all very much looking forward to spring weather, especially after this past weekend's tease! Payton just loves being outdoors, as do we, and of course the dogs! In the meantime, we will be going to Charleston for the Cooper River Bridge Run at the beginning of April, then the following weekend will be Payton's birthday party! We may possibly have a dual party with Payton's BFF, Raegan (since they are just 2 days apart!) I can't wait to start the party planning!