It seems that every time it's snowed in Charlotte over the past 2 years I've been out of town for one reason or another. Well, today I was in town! Brian and I both worked from the house, and we were able to get out and let Payton, and the dogs, play in the snow a couple of times. A neighbor made a mock sled, which Payton thoroughly enjoyed being pulled in. My dad used to make snow cream for me when I was little, and I loved it. So, today Payton got her first, and second, and third....taste of it, and LOVED it! Here are the pics....Enjoy!
And let's not forget that Payton is now 9 MONTHS OLD! We can't believe how time is flying by. Within the past month she has really started absorbing everything around her, repeating actions and sounds, and is learning how actions and reactions. She has learned how to put the balls into a hole in one of her toys (drop the ball in at the top, it comes out at the bottom). She recognizes a number of songs, loves to "shake her booty," makes the cutest faces when she sees something she wants, and is really communicating very clearly. She's understanding "no" and learning to manipulate a little....uh oh! She had her 9 month doctor appointment scheduled for today, but because of the snow, the offices were closed. She is saying more and more sounds these days, including "ma ma, na na, ba ba, da da, daw daw, neh neh, ga ga, nigh nigh," and others we wish we could understand, but can't at this time ;) I'll post her height and weight once we reschedule her appointment. For the record, I'm guessing around 23 pounds, and 29-30 inches! Hope everyone got to, at least, throw a snowball today!
9 MONTH UPDATE: Payton is healthy as a horse! I was pretty dead-on my guesses about her size. Officially she was 22 pounds, 15 ounces and 29 3/4 inches tall. She is 95-97% in height and weight, and 90% for head size....for you people who keep up with that stuff!! She's been given the go-ahead to eat pretty much whatever we give her, obviously not anything that's a choke hazard, but the pediatrician said now is the time to introduce as many foods to her as possible. It will help her eating habits later on. During the appointment she showed off. She was giggling, talking, trying to hand her doctor her bracelet, being her usual character. Then toward the end of the appt, it was clear it was nap time. Her thumb went in her mouth, and she got very cuddly. Unfortunately, she was about to get a rude awakening! She had to get her last Hepatitis B after a few real tears, and getting dressed, she curled up in her carseat and fell fast asleep!
Awwww Poor Sweet P! Thank goodness it was her last Hep B shot! Hopefully not too many more shots in the near future!