...okay, time for some sappy reflection, and look-back at the last year. I've just been doing a lot of thinking about how this new little one will fit into our lives, going through the worries and anxiety of what to expect, and remembering having the same thoughts about Payton. I think she did just fine fitting in, we easily made it through the first year, and we know this next baby will be just as sweet and loving, and really complete our family! Brian and I know how blessed we are to have been given such a wonderful gift of having, and raising, two healthy, beautiful children. I just hope we can continue to be the best parents to them!
I never knew how much having a child can change your life...and in so many different ways. All my energy is spent on making Payton's life enriching, fun, and educational, and loving her with everything I have. I don't spend money on myself anymore. Everything is for her. All our plans revolve around her, her likes, her schedule, and her happiness. We know she is going to be a great big sister, and I think we are all excited (and REALLY ready) to meet this baby boy, or girl! I don't know how much Payton actually understands about what is about to happen, but she knows there's a baby brother or sister in mommy's belly. She loves to give him (or her) kisses and cuddles, and she is enjoying playing with her baby doll, "Baby Abby," more and more. We know she's going to be the BEST big sister, and can't wait for those precious sibling moments!
Brian and I were looking back at some of Payton's baby pictures recently. It's amazing how quickly babies change. I wanted to post some of our favorites...now, wonder who #2 is going to look like? Blue eyes? Blonde hair? Boy? Girl? Not much longer until we all find out :)
We are OFFICIALLY scheduled for Tuesday, August 9th, 9:30am for the csection. We will arrive at CMC Main at 7:30am to check in, get hooked up to fluids, get my epideral...all that fun stuff, and the baby should be delivered shortly after 9:30am. Watch out for phone calls, texts, Facebook updates, and of course, blog updates...with MANY pictures :) We will be welcoming visitors on Wednesday and Thursday, as that first day will be spent with me recovering, getting the "hang" of everything again, and spending some alone time with our new baby. My mother, father, and brother will be keeping Sweet P, which will give Uncle JP some time to get to know Payton....being in law school doesn't allow him to have much free time, so he hasn't really spent much time with her...and the Boughmans are keeping our doggies. So we're all set!
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ReplyDeleteIt is such an exciting time for you guys!!! The time is near! Love to you all!!!