(Below)...Ready for 24 (or 1) Hours of Booty!
This past weekend was filled with a lot of activity, as usual. Brian's parents came in town for "24 Hours of Booty", and Nana & Granddude kept Payton on Friday, as my parents were visiting one of Dad's fraternity brothers in Bar Harbor, Maine. Brian had originally set a mileage goal of 150 miles, but was extremely upset when he wasn't able to reach that goal, thanks to THREE blown tires. Maybe bad luck? Maybe something wrong with the tire (that the bike tech overlooked)? Either way, he was bummed, for sure! Payton and I made it out to "Bootyville" on Saturday morning, and Brian was able to pull Payton in our bike trailer for a lap (behind his other bike...a mountain bike, as opposed to a street bike). Payton enjoyed the hot ride!
Our friends, Jennifer, and her daughter Aniston (19 months), came over during the day Saturday, and we let the girls swim. They are such little fishies. Payton is actually kicking and moving her arms, and can swim several feet completely on her own! She can't get enough of swimming! Saturday evening was spent at home, Brian unpacked, and rested. We had a nice dinner and watched a movie ("The Black Swan"). Sunday, we cleaned the house, and further prepared for welcoming home our newest family member. The Boughmans came over for pool time and a birthday dinner in honor of Cheryl's "25th" birthday ;) Raegan and Payton enjoyed her cake probably more than the rest of us. They are so lucky to have each other to grow up with. So cute together!
Payton is getting more and more affectionate with the baby in mommy's belly, raising my shirt, & giving hugs and kisses to her baby brother, or sister. I think she'll make it through this transition well...I just hope I allow myself to rest and heal before I try to be Super Mom! Payton is really enjoying books now, likes sitting on the big girl potty (and sometimes tinkles on it!), loves to brush her hair and teeth, scrubs her hair in the bathtub, helps clean up, covers her mouth when she coughs, loves to copy us, and is learning more and more songs. She likes to dance and show off. She's babbling more and more, and we can understand some of what she says. She has her top 2 molars in, and we keep thinking we are seeing her eye teeth right under the gums, but still no signs of them...she's not fussed AT ALL while her molars have been coming in. She likes to walk up the stairs on her own now, while either holding the handrail or the wall, and is trying to use a fork and spoon more and more. She is little Miss Independent, for sure, and still very sweet!
This weekend will be spent finishing packing, cleaning, helping the Boughmans with their playset, pool time and relaxing. These are our last few days as a family of 3...and a family who can SLEEP! Ha. The baby is still moving around a lot, and my belly is humongous. My ultrasound tech sneaked me in for a bonus ultrasound today, so she could guess the baby's weight, and to test out a new ultrasound machine. A pic are posted above. She couldn't get any good shots, as there is no more room in there, and the baby's face was smashed up against my placenta, the same way you'd look if you smashed your face up against a window. The guess on weight is 8 pounds, 5 ounces NOW (I think a little overestimate), but she's thinking the actual birth weight will be around 8 pounds. I haven't gained any weight since last week, and my blood pressure was 108/60 (great)... I've been having consistent Braxton Hicks contractions now for a while, with some being stronger than others. Dr. Nicholson checked my cervix, and I'm not dilated, baby hasn't dropped or engaged...basically showing no signs of making an early appearance, so I should be good until Tuesday, as Dr. Lucas will be on vacation until Monday!!
**I'll try to update again before the BIG day, but in case I can't/don't, we will be welcoming visitors starting Wednesday morning. Hopefully the drugs will be out of my system by then, and I can visit while holding my eyes open :) PLEASE CALL before you arrive so we don't have a room-full at any one time. We want you to have your own time with the baby without having to share! THANKS, and we look forward to introducing this little booger to everyone! We're delivering at CMC Main, off Kings Drive. Sorry it won't be as exciting of a time as with Payton's delivery, but watch for pictures and updates on Facebook and this Blog!
Wow, I'd say you have and will have an exciting few weeks! I am excited to meet Kugler, part IV! I hope you have names, and do you have a guess at what you think "Squish" is? Will it be Timmy or Tammy??
ReplyDeleteI say Timmy. Mom and Brian say Tammy. I know at least one of us is right ;) We have "secret" names picked out...haha. Stay tuned for the updates!