We couldn't have asked for a better Memorial Day weekend. The weather cooperated and allowed us to enjoy much lake and pool time. We had friends come in town from Wilmington, Atlanta, and the DC area, and Uncle JP came in from Durham. The kids were rockstars, taking very few short naps, and staying up WAY later than normal. I got to wakeboard (I'm a little rusty, but since the boat is running awesome, I look forward to more and more practice time this summer!), paddleboard, and Payton got to go on a jet ski. Again, I say, if anyone has about $1500 cash burning a hole in his/her pocket, Brian and I would LOVE a paddleboard and paddle. What an awesome past-time! We wore poor Payton out so much that she FELL ASLEEP at the wheel...yep. She was helping Daddy drive the boat. I looked down and her little head was bobbing back and forth. See the video. Very cute.
Here are a few pictures of us with my friends from the DC area, Aaron, Anna, Connor, and Sophie Kinworthy. This was my first time meeting their adorable kids, and them, ours. The girls had SO much fun playing together, and we even let them stay up until 10PM!! Saturday night.
Fun on the lake:
Crashed out! |
Our weekend boat driver |
Jen D, Payton, and Heather |
Jenn M, Yours Truly, and JJ |
Griffin's personal hair stylist... |
She loves her little brother! |
Seriously? |
Griffin, not surprising, loves the boat :) I feel so thankful that our kids have the opportunity to grow up on, or around, the lake. |
Fun with Uncle JP |
Payton made jewelry with a torn up Koozie |
This is what they teach you in law school?!? JP...doing some MUCH needed relaxing! |
Fun at the Kennington's |
One tired out little girl |
Andy and Griffin |
JJ, Jenn, and G |
Andy & Sweetness |
Serious boat driver! |
Sleeping boat driver! |
Mattie, Julie, and P |
Payton and her friends, Saylor and Mattie |
On Saturday afternoon, Payton and Griffin had a birthday party to attend for their friend, Eva, who was turning 2. It was at "Little Gym" by Cotswold. The kids had a blast, and finished off the party with their favorite part: CAKE! Griffin even got a little taste. Yum Yum! Happy birthday to sweet EVA!
The birthday girl: EVA! |
Griffin flirting |
I want CAKE! |
That's more like it people! |
Well, our little swimmer is BACK! Payton ROCKED it this weekend, learning how to move around the lake in her lifejacket (she was too little last year to actually swim in one, and I don't let her wear one in the pool because I have never wanted her to use it as a crutch.) Her friend, Mattie, was like a little fish in the lake, swimming around and jumping off the dock. Payton wanted to follow her and copy, so that gave Payton her confidence back. By Memorial Day, she was swimming halfway across our pool by herself. We're very proud! The videos are listed below.
I couldn't leave Griffin out, now could I? He is a little hesitant to just "jump in," but he loves the water, doesn't mind going under or "swimming" without our hands on him, and he just splashes and splashes. He also likes riding on rafts, and LOVES the boat. Here is a picture of fun at the pool with Rae-Rae, Baby Camryn, and Madi: (I didn't have the camera out there, plus I was in the pool, so this is all I got!)

Potty training took a backward step this weekend. Since we were on the lake so much, I allowed Payton to pee in the lake. And she continued that trend by peeing in our house, in my parent's garage, and at the dentist office. Awesome. Payton had to visit the dentist yesterday to check out a tooth that has a little chip. I wanted to make sure it wasn't decaying (which it isn't). I "prepped" Payton on what was going to happen, and bribed her to be a good girl. Whoa. She HATED it. Wouldn't hold still. Wouldn't let the dentist in her mouth. Fought tooth and nail to get out of my lap. Poor thing...before the dentist came in, Payton enjoyed pressing every button she could find, and put on a pair of surgical gloves. After the visit...she showed her "thanks" by peeing in her pants. Woo-hoo! Good morning :) and the day only got worse...but you won't want to hear about that! To put it lightly, it was FULL of poop!

Griffin has been trying really hard to get his top 2 teeth in. He hasn't been real fussy, but he does this fake cry/whine thing that's funny. I caught it the other day with the camera:
Cute things: Payton says "catch 'em Mommy!" When Brian and Griffin left in the car the other morning, Payton and I had a different destination, but Payton says "Catch 'em!" and smiles. Anytime someone is in front of us, she says the same. Griffin is a big cuddle-bug and I love it. He's loud. He flirts with cute girls. He's crawling everywhere FAST, and soon will be walking. He has 2 of the smallest teeth I've ever seen, and they are like razor blades. His personality is awesome. Laid back. Smiley. Happy. God, I love our kids. We are so blessed. Thank you for letting us share our story with you :)
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