Thursday, May 10, 2012

Our Little Man...already 9 Months!

We all know Griffin is a very happy, healthy little boy.  Although he has not reached some physical milestones as quickly as Payton did, (but she was WAY ahead of the curve), time seems to be flying even faster with him.  It leaves me with a bittersweet feeling.  I'm glad he's growing into his personality and independence, but I still want him to need his mommy, and hope he does...forever.  I love him more than I can put into words.  Some fun facts about Griffin at 9 months:

-Weighs 22 pounds, and is 29 inches tall...he's our "little" big boy.  Solid, but small.  75% on height, weight, and 90% on his perfectly round head...he's going to be a smart boy!  He barely fussed when he got his shot.
-Barely has 2 teeth, both on the bottom, with the top 2 just under the gum surface...any day now!
-Is pulling up on everything, and walking between furniture (while holding on)
-Walks behind his push-toy, and walks very well when holding onto your fingers
-Can climb the stairs
-Is a little ma, da da, ga ga, la la, oooooooo, ahhhh, num num, etc.
-Still uses his bottle, and isn't all that interested in sippy cups (which I guess I'm happy about...growing out of bottles is yet another step toward him growing out of being a baby, and I'm in no hurry for that to happen!)
-SOLID FOODS:  Loves strawberries and watermelon, green beans, bread, bananas, Cheerios, puffs, cookies...makes a really funny face when eating Gerber 3rd stage foods with little noodles in it, or something tart. 
-LOVES to get his teeth brushed
-LOVES, loves his big sissy!
-LOVES bath time and pool time...splashes and kicks
-Loves to chase bouncy balls around the room
-Likes to beat on the counter, his tray, toys, anything...could be a drummer?
-Will wave hi/bye on occasion, and gives "high 5's"
-Gives open mouthed kisses
-Jumps up and down in his crib
-Has a healthy Payton never seemed to have as a baby (ie-holds on tight with hands and legs when you take him down stairs, in the pool, squeezes with his knees when being held).
-Goes to bed really, really easy...we've been lucky with both kids on this one!  Sleeps until 9-9:30am on the weekends, goes to bed between 7-7:30pm
-Makes a really cute, funny face that I can't ever seem to get a picture of!  I'll keep trying!
-He is cuddly...I'm LOVING this one :)
-Is just a joy to be around!!!  Smiles ALL the time :)

Here are some recent pictures of Griffin and all his adventures....we love you little "Bubs!"

I actually caught him NOT smiling!  But he smiled as soon as I took the picture :)

And this is how it all began...(for anyone else wanting to try this, you probably shouldn't use half a container of pudding!)

Look Mom!

I was surprised that he never put his fingers in his mouth...I actually put them in so he'd taste the pudding.  Even after he tasted it, he was more interested in playing with it than eating it.

Our Little Picasso...I've been searching for Jesus or the Virgin Mary in his work, hoping to make a dime on eBay ;)  lol!  No such luck.

LOVED the watermelon!

This reminds me of a little JP Long!
Look at those toofers!  Both coming in crooked...we'll see if they'll straighten up when the others come in.

His smile is contagious

Superman?  President of the US in 2050?  Or just practicing for the dentist?  lol

He likes to chew on his sippy, but not really interested in drinking from it yet (although he knows how).

You're doing it wrong!  (I have a similar picture of Payton...if only I knew which folder it was in!)

Payton has embraced the "terrible two's" with open arms...if she doesn't get her way, she throws a temper tantrum.  Sometimes kicking legs, but mostly screaming this high pitched squeal. She'll bury her face in the couch when she's in Time Out.  I'm lucky to still have my wine glasses in tact, as I compare her to an opera singer!  On Saturday, I had to put her in Time Out.  The norm is once she calms down and stops crying, we go over and talk to her about why she is in TO, and we end with hugs and kisses.  When I rounded the corner to talk with her, there was blood everywhere!  On the couch, her clothes, even in her hair...her face was COVERED in blood.  I figured out she had a nosebleed, and got it stopped fairly quickly.  She and I both handled it well.  I guess it was caused from all the pressure she created by screaming (I told you she was loud!)  She's doing FANTASTIC with potty training.  Other than overnight, she isn't in diapers anymore.  I do put her in Pull-Ups at school, but she's in panties all other times.  She even came downstairs Saturday morning, while Brian and I were still in bed, and told me she had to go potty.  That was quite a step forward!  At the pool, she is not my little fishy anymore :( least not yet.  She will sit happily and play on the steps at the pool, but she isn't at all interested in jumping off the side, or swimming to me.  She would "jump" in the water...if I pulled her.  She was okay, but not thrilled about it.  I had her swim from me to the stairs underwater, and she protested as soon as she reached the stairs.  I'm hoping with a little time and watching of other kids swim, we'll be back on track.  Griffin, however, will let me pull him off the side over and over, going underwater.  He comes up smiling.  I have high hopes to have them both "swimming" by summer's end...Payton was kissed by a little boy, named Gavin, at school!  I think Brian wants to have a "talk" with him, lol!  He's not the first little boy to have a crush on her.  Payton's favorite movie, which to our dismay, we watch OVER and OVER again, is "Elmo's Adventures in Grouchland."  It's about Elmo's blankie being taken by the greedy villain, and all Elmo's friends coming together to retrieve it.  Since this movie, I've noticed Payton has become REALLY attached to not only her "BB," but also her other blankies.  She takes them with her everywhere, and this leads to more and more thumb-sucking.  Everything I've read says not to push her to stop sucking it, and that she'll quit in her own time.  I do ask her to take it out unless she's ready for bed.  Most of the time she listens.  Also, Payton is all about "Mommy, I do it."  Whatever "it" is, she wants to do.  She can mostly get undressed and dressed by herself (her shirts are hard for her to get on and off), and she can manage her socks and shoes, usually getting the shoes on the correct feet.  She's getting efficient at taking her bottoms down, then back up, when she potties. She also helps me cook, and she loves to "drive" my car. She also likes to put her carseat belts on by herself. On the way to Granby and Grump's every morning, she looks for school buses, big trucks, and firetrucks, and is quick to point them out.

Both of our "babies" are getting so fast.  We couldn't be more in love with them...I just hope I can muster up the patience to get through back-to-back "terrible two's."  (although I've heard the 3's are tougher!)

Here are some pictures of our past week, or so...enjoy!

Ready for a bike ride with Daddy!  G's helmet is WAY to big for his noggin (believe it or not) so we took it off...

Getting prepared for 24 Hours of Booty in July.  The kids LOVED it!

Our friend, Crystal, and Payton...Crystal is going to be a new mommy in early November!!
Cool with just playing on the stairs.  Mommy isn't cool with this ;)

Giving baby bro a kiss
Giving Baby Abby a kiss...she took Abby for a swim (and Abby isn't allowed in the pool, since she is made up of some sort of stuffing), but Payton was cute...she dried her off, and made her a bed on the lounge chair for a nap. Even gave her a little blankie.

Enjoying a popsicle with Crystal

Madi and Payton sharing a chair

ALOHA!  (It's so hard for me to remember that Madi is a whole YEAR older than Payton.  They play so well together now, and I'm sure Payton watching Madi potty has helped with her potty training).  They both look so grown up here.
Her "thing" is to have me take a picture, then she wants to see in the car, she put her sunnies on upside down and was laughing.  She wanted me to take a pic so she could see...

...then she put them on her head and wanted me to take a picture.  Silly girl!
I thought he was laughing at Callie...apparently he thought hitting the ball was hilarious!

Griffin's new "trick"

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