The gorgeous weather continues...highs around 80, lows in the crisp, cool low 60's (which has made training for my next half marathon AWESOME!) The kids are settled into school and are doing great. Payton has started "Play Spanish" and began "Soccer Shots." Griffin is singing songs all the time....he loves to sing. We took the kids to a UNCC game, but ended up leaving about 10 minutes into the game. Griffin had a cold and was tired, and VERY fussy. The tailgating was fun, though, except when Griffin fell on his face (see story below!) Brian and I enjoyed an adult night out, for a friend's 40th birthday party. And the kids had a 6th birthday party for our neighbor, Sienna. Both kids had a dentist appointment last week, and we're still cavity-free. Payton did great with her cleaning and fluoride treatment, but Griffin didn't care too much for the dentist to see his teeth. We got through it, and everyone was happy at the end.
I just noticed that I DID make it into the |
This is his plasma car. It turns on a dime. Earlier, I was pushing him with my foot, and he decided to turn sharp, and while still holding on, fell onto the parking lot with his face. Ouch. Poor baby boy.
The aftermath...he cried for about 15 long seconds, but then was over it. He's a tough cookie! I felt horrible, however. I have no idea how he missed the top of his nose, and just landed on his forehead and under his nose, but I was thankful he didn't lose any teeth! Speaking of teeth... |
After 4 visits, Payton has become a pro patient! |
First dental appointment. Notice Thomas and his car in each hand...we had to hold him down so the dentist could look in his mouth, and give him a fluoride treatment. :( |
Payton got THREE bloody noses while at the (very cold) Lake Wylie Bowl and Bounce. Again at Oktoberfest, that evening. Then another on Monday, at school. We're hoping they are just caused by allergies/cooler temps. Very strange!
In big news, Griffin has moved to his "big boy bed," as he calls it. Here's how that went down....
Night #2...I found him on the floor. |
Now he's getting used to it! He looks like a giant here. He's waking up EARLY, though. Like 6:45 some mornings. And naps have sometime been a struggle. It has been getting better, though, so that's good! |
Also, it's that time of the year again...Oktoberfest at Waldhorn. We met up with some friends, rain and all, and had a good time.
Cam and Griffin (with the scab under his nose...several people told me his nose was "bleeding") |
Granby's "pet" deer |
We took the kids out and went exploring, one Sunday afternoon. We came across this scary looking creature. I had seen one the previous week, while running, but NEVER in my life, have I seen such a thing. We looked at it, rolled it over with a stick (and it quickly turned back over), then we left him alone. This thing definitely looked as if it packed a mean bite, or sting, or something! It was 5 inches long and had the circumference of my pinky finger. So, what is this guy? He's a Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar. Sounds like serious business, right? Wrong. Apparently he was just coming out of the trees to dig a hole, create a cocoon, and then turn into a beautiful orange moth, with a 6 inch wing span!! They are safe to pick up, although I GUARANTEE you, I will not be the one picking him up! I can see Griffin grabbing it first, and me having to hide my hee-bee-jee-bees!!
She can now "pump" the swing as high as any other kid I've seen. |
He's electric! |
Griffin and Wes, little swingers :-) |
We went to one of my favorite restaurants, Cowfish, and met up with my "brother from another mother," Gary, his girls, and his mom, "Gramme." It took the kids a couple times to learn to say "Gramme" instead of "GranBY" but they soon got the hang of it. Cameron (7) was an AWESOME friend and helper to the kids. They had a blast, and Payton got her sushi :)
Sorry, I had to...he's such the lady's man, lol. Cameron (7), Claire (1), Payton (3.5), Griffin (2) |
Griffin, as I mentioned, loves to "read" and look at books. Every time he does something I want to record, he pretty much stops as soon as I grab my phone. C'est la vie, right? Here's a taste of him reading an ABC book. He'll flip though and read each letter, and sometimes, say a word that starts with each letter. Payton pretty much knows all the animals in this particular book, and will "read" them to Griffin.
Here he is singing, in the car.
I'll be posting LOTS of pictures from our friend's wedding this past weekend....stay tuned :) It was GORGEOUS!
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