Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Round Three for Dad...or was it?

Dad has gotten, miserably, through 2 rounds of chemo now.  The first one...bad.  The second one...felt like he was dying.  He said he actually thought he had a heart attack (neck so sore he couldn't move, no appetite, and couldn't breathe deeply because it felt like an elephant was sitting on his chest, among other things).  Those of you who know him know that he never this was serious.  Last Monday, his doctor sent him to Presbyterian Hospital, to run EKG's, multiple tests, ask questions, etc.  The result?  All tests came back normally.  Thank GOD!  No heart attack, no blood clots.  So, then, what is the remedy?  His doctor feels one of the infusions is causing this bad reaction.  Although very rare, it does happen.  Once he went in for treatment #3, when they were to switch medications, he found out that chemo COULD actually have killed him, and that he SHOULD have called the doctor immediately.  Dad said he felt bad getting the doc off the golf course, so he suffered through the weekend.  Next time, he won't be so courteous, or dumb.  So, for treatment number 3, the medication was changed to a pill form of chemo, which costs $8000 per bottle, and they had to order.  Instead of taking the 3 meds given through his port, he'll get just one infusion, and take the pills for 14 days straight, then 7 days off.  Assuming he has no negative reaction to this, he'll stay this course until February, when he'll finish up.  He'll still have the same side effects, and will continue to take his anti-nausea meds, but on top of that, this drug causes severe rashes on both the hands and feet. Like ugly, itchy, cracked, bloody, rashes.  Sounds attractive, right?  Fortunately there is a cream they can prescribe that he MUST use to forego the rash.  Those of you who know my dad well know that he HATES anything greasy, or sticky, to touch his hands.  Lotions, fried chicken, kids, you name it ;)  So, he'll suck it up and have greasy hands and feet.  Who knows, maybe he'll learn to like it?  Lol.

The obvious question to me, though, is why would they have not put him on this drug from the beginning?  Is the result going to be the same?  He doesn't have the inconvenience of the "fanny pack" or trying to sleep for 2 nights with it attached to his hip, and in through his port.  Also, he is being taken off the steroids.  Less time at the doctor's office, not having to sit through 3 hours of infusions.  They told my dad that this drug has 6% MORE chance of the cancer coming back than with the first drug.  The alternative was for him to not only suffer through 10 more of those extremely painful infusions, but risk actually dying from them.  So, we'll take that 6% increased chance, cross our fingers and say lots of prayers!

Well, all this said and done, Dad didn't have to sit through treatment today, and he'll feel GOOD, for once, this weekend.  Not only will he get to play lots of basketball, but our munchkins are staying with Granby and Grumps while we attend a wedding at the beach, and he'll get to play with them. The kids were going to have to stay away from him, let him rest, and be "quiet," but now, they can be the wild animals that they want to be.  And Grumps is SOOOOO excited to get to help Granby this weekend ;)  He he.  Bonus:  Granby is taking the kiddos to see Disney on Ice (and Payton really, really, really wants to go ice skating with Princess Belle...good luck!)  Have fun you guys!  We love and appreciate you!  xo


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