Today we visited the doctor's office to re-check the kidneys and my amniotic fluid levels. The baby was very active, and had the hiccups when we first got there....as seen on the ultrasound screen. The kidneys checked out fine, and were working properly, which was a relief! Normal fluid levels, at this point, should be anywhere between 10-20, and mine is at 13, so still on the low side. They will continue to monitor me every two weeks to make sure Baby K is growing normally, and this means we'll get more pictures for our baby album
Today was the ultrasound where they could finally check those heart chambers out! They were able to do so easily, as Baby K is just growing by leaps and bounds, and so am I!! The tech showed us the 4 heart chambers, and we could see them beating. It was so amazing how in detail you can see such small organs. They also checked the kidneys, bladder, fluid, etc. I was told everything looked great, EXCEPT, my amniotic fluid was a little low, and there was a little fluid sitting around one of the kidneys. While we were watching, Baby K had a full bladder, and then expelled that bladder, so we know at least one of the kidneys is functioning. The doctor told us, at this point, this is totally normal, and most babies correct this problem on their own. They weren't concerned, but would like for us to come BACK in for yet another ultrasound in 4 weeks. The kidneys are about the size of a dime right now, so as they grow, whatever is not allowing the fluid to go through should grow and correct itself. As far as my fluid goes, they told me to take it easy, relax, lie on my left side as much as possible, and drink lots of water. Praying everything checks out fine at our next ultrasound. In the meantime, daddy gets to help me around the house, and give me lots of back massages, as my back is really starting to feel this extra weight. So far, I've gained (ugh) 16 pounds...the baby was measuring 20 weeks, 1 day, and weighs 12 ozs. Heartrate was 140 & 148.
It's getting harder, especially in the evening, to move around. My lower back is achy, and I'm having some pelvic and sciatic nerve pains. I did break my pelvic bone in a snowboard contest in the late '90's, so that may have a little to do with it. My weight gain & blood pressure are all great right now, and I have had no swelling. I have had some pregnancy induced carpal tunnel in my right wrist, and wear a wristbrace at night. Looking forward to seeing Baby K one more time, and hoping he/she cooperates at the next appointment and gives us a good picture!!
This was an exciting day for the grandparents!! My mother, and Brian's parents, all came to join us at this ultrasound. None had ever seen an actual live ultrasound before. Talk about the dark ages when Brian and I were born!! We got to the doctor's office, and got hit with a bomb....I wasn't as far along as I'd thought, and they said they probably wouldn't be able to see what they wanted to. The purpose of this ultrasound was to measure the chambers of the heart, and to tell us the gender, had we wished to find this out. This appointment is generally performed between 18-20 weeks. Brian's parents had driven
The ultrascreening appointment has a very important purpose, especially for mother's-to-be like me, with an "advanced maternal age!" It is to determine the risks and chances of the baby having Downs Syndrome, and Trisomy 18, along with other chromosomal anomalies.This was the most long and gruelling 5 weeks of my life!!! I have anxiously anticipated this appointment, and was excited and nervous for this appointment. Luckily, Brian was able to be there for moral support, and of course, to sneek a peek at our "bean," who we were now referring to as "peanut." Well, this little booger was VERY active....so much so, that our appointment took a long time. Heartrate, 155. The ultrasound tech needed to measure the amount of fluid behind peanut's neck, the nose cavity, and the organs. It was hard to do, but the ultrasound tech was awesome. She explained what we were looking at in detail, and we thought she had a great imagination
Although we had an ultrasound scheduled for September 21st, for our Ultrascreen testing, I called in this morning to come get checked out. I woke up and literally did not feel pregnant anymore. NO symptoms, and everything I had been feeling just went away overnight. I was concerned even more when we tried to use our at-home doppler system (to hear the heartbeat) and couldn't find the heartbeat. My doctor's office told me to come in and they would be happy to check the heartbeat for me. I went in around