This morning we had another ultrasound and my glucose testing (for gestational diabetes). We first had the ultrasound done.....heartbeat was 146, strong and steady, weight of the baby is 2 pounds, 8 oz!! (measuring about 1.5 weeks ahead of due date), legs were crossed, as per the norm, and with my growing concern of the baby taking after daddy in the head-size department, I asked about the head circumference. Unfortunately for mommy, this baby has a big head!! Ouch! My fluid is holding steady, but still on the low side, so they will continue to monitor me.....more baby pictures :) Baby's head is down already, and the punching and kicking of my insides continues to grow stronger and more frequently! I did pass the glucose test, and my blood pressure is great! Good to know my body has been handling all the Christmas chocolate I've been eating. It's amazing that I've only gained a half a pound since the last appointment...hmmm. Maybe I should write a dieting book: how to eat chocolate, not exercise, and still not gain weight. I'd probably make a couple bucks ;)
Since I'm A- bloodtype and Brian is A+, I go back in 1.5 weeks for a Rhogam shot, then we will go again for another ultrasound in 3 weeks. My mother is still predicting this is a little boy, while we will be quite surprised if "she" comes out a "he." My carpal tunnel in my right wrist continues to grow worse, and my back pain/sciatica comes and goes. All and all this has been quite a pleasant experience and we can't wait to meet our little "Baby K!"
Have a safe and happy New Year!! I can't imagine that I'll be awake for the ball to drop, but we'll be bringing in the New Year at Brian's parent's house, so we are looking forward to seeing them. Until the next update.......in 2010!!!!
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