Today we visited the doctor's office to re-check the kidneys and my amniotic fluid levels. The baby was very active, and had the hiccups when we first got there....as seen on the ultrasound screen. The kidneys checked out fine, and were working properly, which was a relief! Normal fluid levels, at this point, should be anywhere between 10-20, and mine is at 13, so still on the low side. They will continue to monitor me every two weeks to make sure Baby K is growing normally, and this means we'll get more pictures for our baby album
They measured Baby K's legs and arms, and we were told they were both measuring on the long side. I'm growing a future basketball player, which will make Grandbob (future nickname?) very happy! Although, we were also told the belly was plump and happy, so a possible football player? New weight....1 pound, 7 ozs!! Mom might need to go on a diet!! Baby K is measuring one week ahead (24 weeks), as has been the norm. The doc wants me to continue to take it easy and drink lots of fluids, but everything so far is looking healthy! The heartrate was 146, and Baby K, as usual, was very shy, or possibly irritated. Everytime we tried to get a good picture, Baby K's arm would cover his/her face.
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