This was an exciting day for the grandparents!! My mother, and Brian's parents, all came to join us at this ultrasound. None had ever seen an actual live ultrasound before. Talk about the dark ages when Brian and I were born!! We got to the doctor's office, and got hit with a bomb....I wasn't as far along as I'd thought, and they said they probably wouldn't be able to see what they wanted to. The purpose of this ultrasound was to measure the chambers of the heart, and to tell us the gender, had we wished to find this out. This appointment is generally performed between 18-20 weeks. Brian's parents had driven ALL the way from Radford, VA solely for this appointment. We opted to go ahead with the ultrasound, and hoped they could get what they needed.
Again, the ultrasound technician was awesome. She explained everything she saw, and again, we all thought she had a wonderful imagination. We actually saw the baby CHEWING?!?! What in the world could the baby have in there? A carrot? In case you don't already know, we have opted not to find out the baby's gender, so we hoped the scope stayed "above the belt!" They also did an alpha fetal protein test, and wanted to see the kidneys. The test came back negative (great!) and the baby, now known as "Baby K", had his/her legs crossed! Like, nah, nah, na, nah, nahhhhhh.....I'm not going to show you anyway!! At the conclusion of the appointment, I asked the tech if she knew the sex. She said she knew almost right away. WHAT? HOW? Wow, she is a professional!!
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