Half birthday. Six months. Many milestones thus far. How is it that time moves faster and faster with each passing day? But I'll have to say, that with each day and each milestone, Payton gets to be more and more fun, and her personality is developing and really showing. She is crawling around now, wherever she wants. She's getting more and more efficient with her crawling. She LOVES to stand up. She'll grab our fingers and pull herself up, then she tries to walk...my guess is she'll walk pretty early. She is trying to pull up on everything, and Grumps caught her standing up in her crib last week! She pulled up on her own. Then that evening, she pulled up on our ottoman, and has been trying to pull up on everything ever since. As of Tuesday afternoon, October 26th, I noticed Payton becoming more and more fussy, which is unlike her. She had a restless night, and I realized, the next morning, that her two front teeth are coming in! I could see them under her gums. They've been more painful to her than her bottom ones...she hasn't been sleeping or napping well, and she really doesn't want to eat solids. That lasted about 36 hours, then she was back to her normal, happy self! As of Halloween, the top left incisor has broken through her gums, and the right one is just under the skin. We can't believe how fast everything is happening!!
Over the past month, we've been to half of a Panthers/Bears football game (refer to previous post for why just half), suffered through the family stomach flu bug (we shared with family AND friends!), visited my parent's beautiful Sugar Mountain house with the Tophams, taken Brian out for his birthday dinner at a Brazillian restaurant (all the meat you can eat!), visited Granddude and Nana Jana in Radford, VA, (where Payton was introduced to friends there at a lovely brunch), Raegan came over for a visit, carved jack-o-lanterns, went to a friend's Halloween party, and took Payton to the Topham's neighborhood for "trick-or-treating." Raegan, Sam, and Payton had a great Halloween together! They were very cute together. Whew....where did October go? Guess it's time to get the Christmas Tree trimmed! Wait, maybe not quite yet!
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