Payton loves the Patriots, or so her mommy tells her ;) However, Payton went to her first NFL football game Sunday, the Bears at the Panthers. She did well, except, of all days, and of all things, she was a little sick to her stomach....let's just say we went through a lot of diapers, if you know what I mean! Payton tried to take a nap lying on me, and did off and on, but everytime the crowd would scream, she woke up. Also, it was 87 degrees, and our seats were right in the sun. I think she would have done fine, if she was at 100%. We left at halftime, made a pitstop at the local Rite Aid for some Pedialyte, and rushed home for Brian to finish watching the Bears stomp on the Panthers. Everyone commented on how cute Payton was, and there were A LOT of Bears fans who kept calling her "little Bear." It was cute :) On our way to the game, we stopped off at a church near us that had many, many pumpkins for sale. We got a few punkin patch shots of Sweet P!
Last week Brian's parents came in town to keep Payton one day. They took us out to dinner for Brian's birthday. We went to a Japanese steakhouse, and Payton was thoroughly entertained. You can see, in a couple of pictures, that she didn't quite know what to think about the fire on the grilltop. It was nice they could be here to help celebrate Brian's upcoming birthday (it's Wednesday, the 13th).
Saturday we went to Winthrop College for the USDGA (Disc Golf) championship tournament, and met some friends there. Payton's highlight was meeting the Chick Fil A cow. She loved him, however, Callie wanted to eat him. I mean it. Really. She was scared to death and didn't want to get near him...growled, and hair was standing up. It was quite hillarious. I think Emma just thought he was a giant stuffed animal :)
Tuesday afternoon coming, we have Payton's 6 month doctor appointment. I predict she is around 20 pounds, and 27.5-28 inches tall. Brian's prediction is 20-21 pounds and 29 inches! Stay tuned to find out :) Payton is really scooting around now...I wouldn't necessarily call it crawling quite yet, but she travels all across the floor, and especially likes the Sunday newspaper. She makes Daddy work really hard to read it. He moves it, and she scoots right over to it....then does it again, and again. We get a belly laugh everytime we play "peek-a-boo" with her. She actually pulls the blanket over her face, then removes it, and laughs. Does it over and over. She's following our fingers if we point and say "look." Just growing up faster and faster! Check back in soon for the doc update :)
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