Now for the not so well part....remember those poopie pants I referred to at the football game last weekend? Well, they are still very much with us. Yesterday and today she has projectile vomited several times, and last night she had me up every 2 hours for a diaper change and some cuddle time. I'm exhausted, to say the least. On Monday, I was home with the stomach bug. Then Brian had it Tuesday...then Granby and Grumps had it real bad today, so I stayed home with Payton and worked from the house. So, we've all had a touch of this nasty sickness, and only hope Payton starts feeling better soon! She's been a trooper through it all, but we hate that she's not feeling well, and we are ready for our happy, healthy baby to return!!
TODAY IS BRIAN's 31st BIRTHDAY!! We had plans to go out to dinner tonight with some friends to celebrate, but because of these circumstances, we stayed in to nurse our baby girl back to health. In these pictures, you can see that Payton is still happy, but a little more relaxed than normal. The pics in the crib are from yesterday afternoon, after she got 4 shots, and had diarreha, and had been puking. She always likes to have that leg sticking out of the crib, or propped up on something. She's a trip!
Okay, that's it for a while...keep checking in :)
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