Tuesday, April 6, 2010

12:50 PM Doctor Visit FINALLY

Well, the Doctor stopped by to talk to us about an hour ago and checked Leigh. In regards to what Dr. Taylor told us last night, he said that if the baby has dropped, he would hate to feel what it would be like higher up...so it's possible that the baby has regressed since last night, which apparently happens sometimes.

We've made the decision to continue with this course of action until this evening at which point the Doctor will check Leigh again. If there has been dilation, we will obviously proceed with the plan to have a normal delivery. If there hasn't, we will need to decide what we're going to do and that's where we stand now, needing to make the decision whether we'll give day 3 a try or have a C-section this evening.

There are a number of pros and cons to either route so it's a tough decision to make. The continued hope is that Leigh's body will decide to take over the contraction duty from the Oxytocin soon. It is as if the Oxytocin is cranking the engine of the car, but Leigh's body has to be the one to actually turn over and start. Just not happening yet and stir craziness is starting to set in a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brian, I'm praying with you and Leigh for a healthy, happy baby and a comfortable (as comfortable as possible) natural delivery ASAP. Beverly
