The Doctor came in and checked Leigh and she is dilated to almost 1 cm! That is AWESOME news because we can at least give a normal birth a fighting chance.
First of all, Leigh will be able to put on normal clothes and walk around for a little while this evening and EAT! She's starved so the first thing she did was order food sent up...soup, salad, sandwich, dessert, drink, the works!!
Then, she'll have a Foley Bulb inserted into her cervix. It's basically a balloon that can be inflated creating a mechanical dilation as opposed to a chemical one. The Doctor says he uses them with pretty good success and we're excited to give it a shot! Leigh will sleep with this in place and it could even cause her to go into labor overnight. Then, tomorrow morning (or if she goes into
labor overnight) the Bulb will be removed and her water will be broken. This doesn't guarantee
success but at least we'll give it a good college try.
Geez, this kid is stubborn! Already taking after Leigh? This doesn't bode well for me in the long run! :)
As you may have guessed, we're pretty thrilled.
PS...sorry for any minor heart attacks that I may have caused from my headline. :)
you guys are too freaking cute!! congrats on the progress! :)