Monday, April 5, 2010

Well, it's 9:30 and Leigh is having some mild contractions. They just raised the Oxytocin level to a 4.

Nothing major to report right now but every time she has a contraction it makes her feel like she has to pee. That's nothing of note except that to actually GET to pee, a major process of unplugging four different cords from different places has to take place followed by a shuffling procession of two people and an IV stand to the bathroom, then everything in reverse!


  1. The Shephards are excited for you!! Go baby K!

  2. Baby K needs to hurry up so he/she can watch Coach K go for his 4th Championship tonight :)

    Good Luck Guys!

  3. Leigh loved that...and by loved that, I mean: rolled her eyes so high I didn't think they'd make it back down. :)

  4. Dear Leigh,
    I am trying to be a follower, I do enjoy seeing ll he pictures. Love, Burton
